Crypt of the Ancients
The Crypt of the Ancients is a dungeon within the Festering Woods in Act I. You will need to visit this dungeon for The Broken Blade quest. There are usually a couple of chests to check out too.
Access to LevelsEdit
Quests in Crypt of the AncientsEdit
Common Monsters found in Crypt of the AncientsEdit
Monsters only spawning as minions of a rare monsterEdit
Checkpoints are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached. Players can also leave the game and resume at the last checkpoint at a later date. In effect they are a 'save game' feature. The following Checkpoints appear in Crypt of the Ancients
- Just inside the entrance
Lore Entries Found in Crypt of the AncientsEdit
- Tomb Robber's Journal - (required for Historian of Tristram achievement]]
Associated AchievementsEdit
Crypt of the Ancients is in some way involved in the following achievement(s).
Name | Points | Description | Banner |
Collect Beacon of Light in The Broken Blade quest
A rare Skeleton with Vortex
Sanctuary[e] Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5 |
Act 1 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: 1 - 20 |
Khanduras |
• The Old Ruins (m) | |||
(X) = Typical character level for that area - (m) = Map of area |
Act 1 categories: Dungeons Settlements Structures Maps |
Bonus Areas Cemetery of the Forsaken Fields of Misery |
Festering Woods Leoric's Hunting Grounds |
The Old Ruins Old Tristram Road |
• The Royal Crypts (m) Wortham Southern Highlands |
Blank for now. Maps are the small (m)s |
[e] |
Act 2 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: 12 - ? |
Kehjistan |
(X) = Typical character level for that area |
Act 2 categories: Dungeons Settlements Structures Maps |
Kehjistan |
[e] |
Caldeum |
[e] |
Blank for now. Maps are the small (m)s |
[e] |
Act 3 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: ? - ? |
Dreadlands |
(X) = Typical character level for that area |
Act 3 categories: Dungeons Settlements Structures Maps |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Act 4 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: ? - ? |
' |
| |||
(X) = Typical character level for that area |
Act 4 categories: Dungeons Settlements Structures Maps |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Bash |
Cleave |
Frenzy |
[e] |
Act 5 | [e] | ||||
Char. Level: 60 - ? |
Khanduras |
(X) = Typical character level for that area |