no edit summary
* '''1337''' -- Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An overused term now usually * 5% - generally relats to +5% all resistances small charms* 7% - usually refers to a 7% magic find small charm* 1337 - Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An over used ironically or sarcasticallyterrm now usually used to make fun of someone.* '''0.8/0.9/1.10/1.11/1.12 - Patches. Many changes have varied the way the game has been played. The SPF FAQ has a good explanation of version differences* 10 chars - All posts need 10 characters to be able to be posted. The poster is making up the numbers* 1H''' -- one-handed weapon* '''2H''' -- two-handed weapon* 3/20/20 - small charm that adds 3 to maximum damage, 20 to AR and 20 to life* 3d/4d Shield - A socketed shield with 3/4 perfect diamonds in it giving you 57%/76% resistance to all.
* A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 - Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Act 4, Act 5
* AB (Abasin) - Amazon Basin. An online community of knowledgeable players spanning many games.
* abc/ddd - abc being the game name - ddd is the password
* AC - armour class
* afaik - As far as I know
* afk - Away From keyboard
* Ali Baba - Blade of Ali Baba Exceptional Unique Tulwar that gives MF and GF based on character level.
* alvl - Affix Level or area level
* Ama/Azn/zon - Amazon.
* Amp - Amplify Damage. Necro curse to reduce enemies' resistance to physical damage. Also available as charges on some items
* Amu (Ammy) - Amulet
* Ancients - The Three Ancients in Act 5.
* Andy - Andariel. Act 1 super unique monster.
* Anni - Annihilus (the one and only unique small charm)
* AoD - [[Area of Denial]]. The usual effect of an AoE spell, since it causes players to move out of the affected area, in effect denying them that portion of the screen.
* AoE - [[Area of Effect]]. A spell that targets an large area, dealing damage (or benefits) to anything in the vicinity.
* AoKL - arm of king leroic tomb wand
* AR - Attack Rating.
* Arach - arachnid mesh belt. Unique belt that gives +1 skills
* Arkaine's (Ark) - Arkaine's Valor Elite Unique Balrog Skin.
* Arreat's - Arreat's Face Unique Slayer Guard.
* AS - Arreat Summit. Battle.net's/Blizzard's official website for D2.
* ASAP - As soon as possible.
* Asn/asa/assy/sin - Assassin.
* Atlantean - The Atlantean Exceptional Unique Ancient Sword.
* ATM - At the Moment.
* ATMA - Single player muling utility, that includes a very useful drop calculator
* Atma's - Atma's Scarab Unique Amulet.
* AW - The Ancients' Way in Act 5.
* '''B.net''' or '''Bnet''' - [[Battle.net]]. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II.
* '''B/O''' - Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill
* '''BA''' - Bone Armor (necromancer skill)
* '''BA''' - Blessed Aim (paladin skill)
* '''Baba''' or '''Barb''' - [[Barbarian]].
* '''Bane''' - Gladiator's Bane Elite Unique Wire Fleece
* '''Baranar's''' (Banana) - Baranar's Star Elite Unique Devil Star.
* '''Bartuc's''' (Barts) - Bartuc's Cut-Throat Unique Greater Talons.
* '''Basher''' - The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul
* '''BBL''' - Be Back Later
* '''BBS''' - Be back soon
* '''BC (BCom)''' - Battle Command. A Barbarian warcry to increase skill levels.
* '''BC (BCry)''' - Battle Cry. A Barbarian warcry to decrease an enemy's damage and defense
* '''BF (BFury)''' - Blade Fury. An Assassin Trap Tree skill.
* '''BF''' - Bloody Foothills
* '''BG''' - Blood Golem
* '''BH''' - Blessed Hammer (paladin skill)
* '''Big D''' - [[Diablo]] (the boss monster himself.)
* '''BIN''' - Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.
* '''BK''' - Bul-Kathos (unique ring/barbarian set)
* '''Blk''' - Block.
* '''bm''' - Bad manners. Indicating a [[PvP]] ruleset.
* '''BO''' - Battle Orders
* '''[[BoE]]''' - [[Bind on Equip]]. Items that can not be removed without being destroyed once they are equipped.
* '''boostBoI''' - Blades of Ice.* '''Boost''' - [[Rush]], [[turbo]]. To pave the way for a new player, so he can defeat all act bosses without actually doing anything himself.
* '''[[BoP]]''' - [[Bind on Pick-up]]. Items that can not be dropped or traded once they are picked up. [[Quest]] items only, in Diablo 3.
* '''BoS''' - Burst of Speed
* '''BotD''' - Breath of the Dying. A v1.10 Runeword.
* '''BM''' - the Barbarian's [[Battlemaster Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.
* '''Bp''' - [[Breakpoint]]. A mark at which something improves.
* '''BP''' - Bone Prison (necromancer skill)
* '''Brb''' - Be right back.
* '''Brt''' - Be right there.
* '''BS (BSentinel)''' - Blade Sentinel. an Assassin skill on the Trap tree.
* '''BS (BShield)''' - Blade Shield. an Assassin skill on the Trap tree.
* '''BS (BSpear)''' - Bone Spear. A Necromancer attack skill.
* '''BS (Bspirit)''' - Bone Spirit. A Necromancer attack skill.
* '''B-Star''' - Barnard's star (unique mace)
* '''Btc''' - Back to channel.
* '''BTS''' - Blizzard Technical Support.
* '''btw''' - By the way
* '''Burrito (Buriza)''' - Buriza-Do Kyanon Exceptional Unique Ballista
* '''BvB''' - Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.
* '''BvC''' - Barbarian v Caster (pvp)
* '''BW''' - Bone Wall. A Necromancer skill on the Poison and Bone tree
* '''CA''' - Chilling Armor. A Sorceress skill on the Cold tree.* '''Cat 2''' - Catacombs Level 2 in Act 1.* '''CCB''' - Cruel Colossus Blade.* '''CCS''' - Cruel Colossus Sword* '''CB''' - Charged Bolt. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.* '''CB''' - Crushing Blow.* '''CB''' - Colossus Blade. Elite Sword.* '''CB''' - Charged Bolt (sorceress skill)* '''CBF''' - Cannot be frozen.* '''CBS''' - Charged Bolt Sentry. Assassin Trap Tree skill.* '''C/C''' - Claw/Claw. Refers to an Assassin wielding dual claws* '''C/O ''' - Current Offer. Used in trading items.* '''C/S''' - Claw/Shield. Refers to an Assassin using a claw and shield.* '''CD (CDam, CDmg) ''' - Cold Damage* '''CE ''' - Cold Enchanted.* '''CE''' - Corpse Explosion. A Necromancer attack skill on the Poison and Bone tree.* '''CG''' - Clay Golem.* '''Cg (grats) gz ''' - Congratulations.* '''Chan? ''' - Go to channel.* '''Char ''' - Character.* CP '''chippies''' - [[Checkpoint]]chipped gems* '''CI''' - Cold Immune.* '''CKN (Chu)''' - Chu-ko-nu. The save points reached at Often refers specifically to the start of most dungeon levels in D3Demon Machine Exceptional Unique Chu-ko-nu Crossbow* '''CL''' - Chain Lightning. Sorceress lightning tree attack skill.* '''Closed ''' - Closed Battle.net. Online play with characters saved on a Battle.net Server.* '''clvl ''' - [[Character level]].* '''CM ''' - Claw Mastery.* '''CM''' - Cold Mastery. Sorceress Cold tree skill.* '''CM''' - Community Manager (like [[Bashiok]].* '''CM ''' - Community Member.* '''CM ''' - Council Member.* '''CO ''' - Current Offer.* '''CoA''' - crown of Ages unique item* '''CoH''' - Chains of Honor* '''Conc''' - Concentrate/ion (paladin aura/Barbarian skill)* '''Conv''' - Conviction. A Paladin offensive aura to reduce enemy resistances.
* [[Cookie cutter]] - A very common character build, one frequently recreated, ALA Hammerdins in v1.10+.
* '''Coop (Co-op) ''' - [[Cooperative play|Cooperative play]].* '''CoS''' - Cloak of Shadows.* '''CoT''' - Claws of Thunder.* '''CP''' - [[Checkpoint]]. The save points reached at the start of most dungeon levels in D3.* '''CP''' - Crystalline Passage in Act 5.* '''CR (CRes) ''' - Cold resistance.* '''Cranium (C basher)''' - The Cranium Basher Elite Unique Thunder Maul.* '''Crest''' - Harlequin Crest Elite unique Shako
* [[Crit]] - [[Critical Hit]]. A blow that deals double damage + other effects, depending on damage type. May occur with all damage types in D3, while it was only from physical damage in D2.
* '''Crit''' - Critical Strike.
* CRM-Colour Rune Mod - Single Player utility that turns runes any colour.
* CS - Crystal sword
* CS - Critical Strike.
* CS - Colossus Sword.
* CS - Cobra Strike
* CS - Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4
* CtA - call to arms (runeword)
* CtC - chance to cast
* CTH - Chance to Hit.
* Cube - The Horadric Cube
* CU - Cursed
* CV - colossus voulge
* cya - See you.