→Penny Arcade Expo, 2009
** [http://www.gamestooge.com/2009/09/08/pax-09-gabe-tycho-and-final-thoughts/ GameStooge.com] liked what they saw.
** [http://www.examiner.com/x-14942-San-Jose-Home-Technology-Examiner~y2009m9d8-PAX09-final-thoughts The SF Examiner] saw D3 at PAX.
* Gameplay movies (All fan-grabbed with cell phone cams, so the quality is fairly low.):
** [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/another-pax-video/ Video with a Wizard] in a desert dungeon and some item hovers.
** [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/more-pax-gameplay-footage/ Two more videos] from the show.
** [** [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/more-diablo-3-videos/ Several more PAX] videos embedded in this post.
* Miscellaneous Articles from PAX
** [http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=25158 Gamasutra describes what makes] PAX special and different from other conventions.
** [http://www.neowin.net/news/gamers/09/09/08/brads-pax-2009 Neowin.net posted] pictures of the Blizzard booth.
** [** [** [** [ http://www.nomoregameblogs.com/main/updated-pax-09-exclusive-diablo-3-interview.html NoMoreGameBlogs posts an] "interview" with a Bliz PR guy who can neither confirm nor deny anything.
==Early September, 2009==