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Media Coverage

369 bytes added, 00:53, 6 January 2010
Penny Arcade Expo, 2009
** [] liked what they saw.
** [ The SF Examiner] saw D3 at PAX.
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* Gameplay movies (All fan-grabbed with cell phone cams, so the quality is fairly low.):
** [ Video with a Wizard] in a desert dungeon and some item hovers.
** [ Two more videos] from the show.
** [** [ Several more PAX] videos embedded in this post.
* Miscellaneous Articles from PAX
** [ Gamasutra describes what makes] PAX special and different from other conventions.
** [ posted] pictures of the Blizzard booth.
** [** [** [** [ NoMoreGameBlogs posts an] "interview" with a Bliz PR guy who can neither confirm nor deny anything.
==Early September, 2009==