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Spiders are Beasts which appear in Act I and Act II. They all posses melee attacks, with either poison, lightning or cold. Some also have Web Spit which enables them to fling a mat of web onto the ground which will slow the player if they try to run through it. It does not slow attack speed.


Sub Types

Act I

  • Arachnid Horror
  • Toxic Lurker

Act II

  • Frost Lurker
  • Scorching Creeper
  • Shocking Crawler
  • Venemous Spinner
  • Webspitter Spider

In Alphabetical Order

Arachnid Horror

Arachnid Horror
  • Appears in Act I - Caverns of Araneae
  • Has a melee poison attack but also possess Web Spit that will slow your walking speed if you run through it.

<mob>Arachnid Horror</mob>

Frost Lurker

<mob>Frost Lurker</mob>

Scorching Creeper

<mob>Scorching Creeper</mob>

Shocking Crawler

<mob>Shocking Crawler</mob>

Toxic Lurker

Toxic Lurker
  • Appears in Act I - Caverns of Araneae
  • Poison based melee attack. Also issues pools of poison which you should avoid standing in. He has Web Spit too which will slow you down if you walk into it.

<mob>Toxic Lurker</mob>

Venomous Spinner

<mob>Venomous Spinner</mob>

Webspitter Spider

  • Appears in Act II - Flooded Caves (1,2), Vile Cavern (1)
  • Uses multiple Web Spits to surround the player in slowing webs on the floor and then uses its poison based melee attack.

<mob>Webspitter Spider</mob>



The ubiquitous spider is one of the oldest and most adaptable creatures in the world. It also seems to have acquired an unfortunate susceptibility to magic. When exposed, the arachnids will increase dramatically in size and even cast spells. Due to this hazard, I recommend staying out of dark places whenever possible. -- Abd al-Hazir
