Category:Undead - Diablo Wiki
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Undead is one of the three classifications of monsters in Diablo II. All monsters belong to one of the classifications in Diablo II, and certain spells or items are more effective against different types of monsters.

It's not known if these classifications will return in Diablo III, but we're using it since it's a convenient way to sort things, until official information is released.

The three classifications of monsters we use in Diablo III are:

  • Animals - Feral, unintelligent enemies.
  • Demons - Mostly Sinister, sentient monsters from Hell.
  • Objects - Stationary obstacles, like traps.
  • Undead - Varying types of re-animated corpses, mostly from humans.

You can also go to the Diablo 2 Wiki to the find Diablo 2 Undead.

Media in category "Undead"

The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total.