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Media Coverage

Revision as of 14:36, 19 January 2011 by Flux (talk | contribs) (August 2010)

This page lists all Diablo III coverage; previews, interviews, pictures, videos, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 Team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are sometimes archived in this section one month after they go online, to ward off link rot.

  • If you're interested in updating this page, please check out the Media Coverage/Guidelines first.
  • Jump back to the earlier years of Media Coverage, archived to keep down the page size. Links right below here.

If you are new to Diablo or Diablo III development, you can read up on the topic here:

  • Diablo 3 Basics - The light source of all known Diablo III data in one fact sheet.

Media Coverage Archive:
2008 - 2009 - 2010


November 2010

Blizzcon 2010

BlizzCon 2010 took place October 22-23, 2010, at the Anaheim Convention Center. As in past years, BlizzCon created an tremendous amount of news and content. The following sections hold it all, sorted by type and importance. Check the Blizzcon news category to see every single news item related to Blizzcon; this Media Coverage page only archives the items with substantial content.

Panel Coverage

There were three Diablo III panels at Blizzcon 2010. The third was simply an open Q&A, which was fairly unremarkable. The first two though, were great sources of information on game design and development, and are highly recommended to any serious fan of the game.

Blizzcon 2010 Diablo III Developer Interviews

  • Jay Wilson video interview with Diablo 3 ESP, fully transcribed by Covers destructibles, arena matchmaking, class resources, and more.
  • Jay Wilson interview from the Blizzcon program gives thorough answers about the Demon Hunter, skills/traits, and the battle arena.
  • Jay Wilson interview with GamePlanet. Covers the battle arena, character deaths, build variety, and more.
  • Julian Love interview with SlashDot. Covers runestone visuals, PvP Battle Arena gametypes and rankings, the Blizzcon demo level layout.
  • Julian Love interview with GameOnMac. Covers the arena, skills, runes, why the Barbarian's fun to play, and more.

Blizzcon 2010 Hands-On Reports

PvM Demo Reports:

Battle Arena Reports:

Misc stuff of note -- Ruined write up of an interview with Christian Lichtner and Jason Bender. - father takes 12 y/o son to blizzcon. Good article. -- endless panel screens 1:26 WD cosplayers

October 2010

  • Blue Post: October 13, 2010 -- The female Witch Doctor is shown sporting an interesting mask in this gear set preview.

September 2010

  • Blue Post: September 18, 2010 -- Bashiok drops a bombshell and essentially tells the community that the team has done away with passive skills.

August 2010

Gamescom 2010

The Gamescom show in Cologne, Germany ran from August 18-21, and featured a ton of new Diablo III news. Earlier in the month Blizzard had promised to reveal a new Diablo III feature at the show, and they held a press conference as soon as the show began to present the Artisans, as well as the concept of crafting from recipes using materials obtained from the salvage cube. Gamescom 2010 also brought new interviews, screenshots, artwork, and more.

Jay Wilson Interviews

Artisan Infos

Screenshots and Visuals

August, Pre-Gamescom

  • Blue Post: August 4, 2010 -- Bashiok shoots down a "4th difficulty" suggestion and says they've got bigger and better ideas to spice up the end game.

July 2010

  • Blue Post: July 30, 2010 -- A community poll finds that most fans would want their name used for an item in the game, though "No to using fan names in games." comes in a very strong second. (A handful of of prominent Diablo 2 fansite people had their online handles used for Mercenary Names in Diablo 2, setting precedent.)
Diablo as an SC2 Easter Egg.
Penny Arcade weighs in on Real ID.
  1. Dozens and dozens of opinion pieces ensue, along with Blizzard explanations.
  2. A community vote reveals overwhelming opposition.
  3. Rumors of intense internal opposition surface.
  4. Penny Arcade weighs in.
  5. The EFF voices their opposition.
  6. And Blizzard quickly buckles under the combined weight of the criticism and rescinds the real names on the forums requirement.

June 2010

  • Commentary: June 28, 2010 -- The Real ID pushback really kicks into gear, with a scathing editorial by MMORPG guru Lum the Mad.
  • Commentary: June 17, 2010 -- Bashiok on new info... eventually. Plus commentary and discussion about Blizzard's PR strategy of limited info release, and why it's unlikely to change anytime soon.

May 2010

Amazing fan-made Diablo 3 level.
Monk poses dramatically.

April 2010

Tomb Vipers.
  • Other: April 13, 2010 -- News breaks that SC2 will require a monthly fee to play online in Russia. Most fans choose not to believe that this is a harbinger of D3's hypothetical online fees.
  • Other: April 1, 2010 -- breaks the sad news that BlizzCon 2010 is already sold out, before tickets have even officially gone on sale. Better luck next year.
  • Picture: April 1, 2010 -- The first two Diablo 3 jigsaw images debut, showing outdoor areas from the WWI 2008 Gameplay movie. Both are awesome, and were enormously difficult to create.

March 2010

  • Blue Post: March 17, 2010 -- Blizzard on Armor Types and voting for Blizzard in a developer vs developer voting match.
  • Interview: March 17, 2010 -- Jay Wilson on Game Development. Possibly a Google translate of a Chinese industry conference where Jay Wilson made his contribution by talking about the seven shared development points of making a video game.
  • Blue Post: March 16, 2010 -- Diablo 3's Trading System will fix everything, according to Bashiok. Item trades, gold selling and many other topics discussed.
  • Interview: March 13, 2010 -- Rob Pardo learns from design mistakes in an article by Shacknews. Stuff like the D2 gold economy is a lesson learned and not repeated.
  • Other: March 9, 2010 -- A community vote measures the popularity of the various characters, showing a fairly even distribution of fans amongst the four so far revealed: Barbarian 24.22%, Wizard 21.06%, Witch Doctor 16.9%, Monk 16.17%, Undecided. More infos, plz 12.54%, Fifth character will be the coolest 9.11%.
  • Picture: March 9, 2010 -- New Artwork, and new better versions of older known artwork. Sons of the Storm has released new batches.
Pouty male Wizard = controversy.

February 2010

  • Blue Post: February 28, 2010 -- Bashiok on game difficulty and PUGs. Great fan debate about whether any D3 content should "require" more than one person ensued.
  • Interview: February 25, 2010 -- Blizzcast #13 goes live with Diablo 3 commentary on "phasing," respes, non-mana resources, randomness in the game, gold/item durability (which may return?), and BoE item issues.
  • Blue Post: February 25, 2010 -- Bashiok weighs in on class-specific weapons, and issue that always excites great player discussion. He returned to this issue a week later, with news that some of the class restrictions had been lifted.
  • Blue Post: February 10, 2010 -- Bashiok on the megasized shoulderpads (pauldroons) the Diablo 3 character concept art sports.
Female monk concept art.
  • Blue Post: February 5, 2010 --'s vote for the best fan-art of the female monk semi-finals. The official version won big in the finals, vs. the top 3 pieces of fan art.
  • Other: February 4, 2010 -- Blizzcon 2010 date set for October 22-23 at the Anaheim Convention Center... but it's just a rumor, and is wiped away a day later.
  • Picture: February 3, 2010 -- Original artwork by Brom that the Diablo 2 box was based on debuts in the Blizzard art gallery.

January 2010

  • Blue Post: January 30, 2010 -- Bashiok on shared party skills, "griefing" in Diablo 3, and the employment benefits of being a forum slut.
  • Video: January 30, 2010 -- Diablo 3 humor featured in Episode 1 of the Jace Hall show. No female monk reveal (that came in the next weeks' show). The D3 content was teased in a trailer a week earlier,
  • Blue Post: January 26, 2010 -- Bashiok jokingly confirms that the Monk is so overpowered no other characters will be developed.
  • Blue Post: January 22, 2010 -- Bashiok on hard to see item drops and how Diablo 3 will work around that issue.

December 2009

Diablo III Year in Review. Twelve-part monthly recap of all the news and developments.

Merch! Barb statue.

November 2009

Torchlight vs. Diablo 3.

October 2009

September 2009

Late September 2009

Penny Arcade Expo, September 4-6, 2009

Diablo 3 was playable at PAX and numerous hands-on reports and chunks of (ninja-recorded) gameplay footage surfaced from the convention.

Early September, 2009

August 2009

August was a tremendously busy month for news, headlined by the biggest ever outpouring of Diablo 3 news, from Blizzcon 2009. There was also a fair amount of info released at the Gamescom convention, and items from those events are found in the Media Coverage: 2009 article.

Older News

Earlier headlines and articles are archived on the Media Coverage Archive pages: