Demon Flyer Spawner - Diablo Wiki
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Demon Flyer Spawner

Revision as of 15:24, 2 June 2010 by Cogo (talk | contribs)
Pit Flyer growing on the spawner.

The Pit Flyer Spawner is a monster known only from a piece of concept art. It has not been seen or confirmed in the game.

Pit Flyer Spawners apparently grow and hatch forth Pit Flyers, a kind of monster that's assumed to be fairly small and winged. These are thought to work something like the Blood Hawk spawners seen in Diablo 2.

Judging from the concept art, the Pit Flyer Spawner grows like a weed, and the Pit Flyer forms on it like some sort of bud or blossom, eventually maturing and flying forth to attack players who come into its range.

Nothing is known of the size of the Pit Flyer or the Spawner, how fast new Pit Flyers are created, if the Spawner itself must be destroyed, etc.


Only one piece of concept art is known for this creature. It's cut into two images in this wiki for easier size comparison. Once they're seen in the game more images will be added here and in the image gallery.