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Revision as of 17:14, 16 September 2009 by Leord (talk | contribs)

The Lacuni is a people or sort of creature that lives in cliff dwellings in the Borderlands.

Lacuni are commonly refered to as "cat people" by the D3 Team, for obvious visual reasons. They appear to be something of an homage to the Saber Cats found in the desert of Act Two in Diablo 2.


Well over 400 years ago, they were considered such a problem for Caldeum, that the great military city of Lut Bahadur was built to keep the Lacuni safely away from Caldeum.

As more entries of the Writings of Abd al-Hazir are published, we hope to get more insight into the Lacuni.

BlizzCon 2009

Two types of Lacuni were commonly encountered as enemies in the BlizzCon 2009 demo, especially in the Howling Plateau area.

  • Lacuni Huntress -- The Huntresses were lightly armored melee fighters who essentially served as quick-footed cannon fodder.
  • Lacuni Warrior -- The Warriors were much larger and quite a bit more dangerous. These huge cat men wielded two glowing swords and fought with a variety of spinning and sumersaulting attacks. Boss groups of these were one of the more dangerous encounters players had to endure in the demo.

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