Wizard Trailer Blizzcon 2008 - Diablo Wiki
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Wizard Trailer Blizzcon 2008

Revision as of 00:31, 20 August 2009 by Elly (talk | contribs)

Released: BlizzCon 2008. October 2008. The trailer introducing the Wizard.

Content: Introduces the Wizard through a sequence of cinematics and gameplay footage. The Wizard enters Tristram Cathedral heedless to the warnings from the NPC standing outside. Once decended into the bowels of the cathedral, trailed by a gaggle of ghouls she casually approaches and destroys the door to the Skeleton King's lair. Various cutscenes of in game action culminating in the resurrection fo the king who lets out a bone-chilling laugh and the screen fades to black.

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Posted with permission from [IncGamers.com]
