Risen Dead

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Risen Dead (aka zombies) are undead reanimated human corpses that hunger for the blood and flesh of the living.

One of the standard monster types in the Diablo games (and all fantasy RPGs), Zombies are one of the easier types of monsters to slay, notable for their slow foot speed and lack of armor or weaponry. There are higher level types of zombies, and many much more fearsome members of the Undead, but every adventurer must start off with some shambling bags of experience, and zombies admirably fill that role.

A Walker!

Risen Dead Subtypes[edit | edit source]

Act I

  • Bloated Corpse
    • Voracious Torso
  • Deathspitter
    • Decayer
  • Hungry Corpse
    • Hungry Torso
  • Inferno Zombie
  • Retching Cadaver
    • Ravenous Dead
  • Risen
  • Voracious Zombie
  • Walking Corpse
    • Crawling Torso

Act II

  • Dust Eater
    • Dust Biter
  • Dust Shambler
  • Rancid Stumbler
    • Dust Biter

In Alphabetical Order

Bloated Corpse[edit | edit source]

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Bloated Corpse Voracious Torso
  • Appears in Act I - Halls of Agony
  • Melee physical attack.
  • There is a chance when the Bloated Corpse is killed his top half will continue fighting as a Voracious Torso, still with a melee attack.

Deathspitter[edit | edit source]

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Deathspitter Decayer
  • Found in Act I - Decaying Crypt
  • As well as a physical melee attack the Deathspitter can also spit at you from afar which inflict physical damage. They can also puke up pools of vomit from which emerge Decayers. No more than 5 of those can be alive at the same time.

Wretched Mothers are the same type of monsters as Deathspitters but they are specific to The Fallen Star quest where you need to hunt down three and eventually the Wretched Queen.

The wretched mothers were once normal women, but in death they serve a dark purpose. These horrors feast upon the remains of cadavers, then use foul magic to regurgitate the bodies as newly formed risen dead. One must slay the mother quickly or her nightmarish spawn will continue to grow in number. -- Deckard Cain

Dust Eater[edit | edit source]

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Dust Eater Dust Biter
  • Found in Act II - Desolate Sands
  • Physical melee attack
  • When the Dust Eater is killed his top half will continue fighting as a Dust Biter, still with a melee attack.

Dust Shambler[edit | edit source]

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Dust Shambler

Hungry Corpse[edit | edit source]

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Hungry Corpse Hungry Torso

Hungry Torso can also crawl out from bushes without first coming from a Hungry Corpse. They usually appear in the Weeping Hollow.

Inferno Zombie[edit | edit source]

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Inferno Zombie
  • Appears in Act I - Halls of Agony
  • A melee fire attack. Also he's fire resistant.

Rancid Stumbler[edit | edit source]

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Dust Biter

  • Found in Act II - Desolate Sands
  • Physical melee attack
  • There is a chance when the Rancid Stumbler is killed his top half will continue fighting as a Dust Biter, still with a melee attack.

Retching Cadaver[edit | edit source]

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Retching Cadaver Ravenous Dead
  • Appears in Act I - Defiled Crypt and The Weeping Hollow
  • As well as a physical melee attack the Retching Cadaver can also spit at you from afar which inflict physical damage. They can also puke up pools of vomit from which emerge Ravenous Dead. She can produce up to 10 at the same time.

Risen[edit | edit source]


Voracious Zombie[edit | edit source]

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Voracious Zombie

Walking Corpse[edit | edit source]

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Walking Corpse Crawling Torso

Named[edit | edit source]

Superunique versions of Risen Dead have a chance of spawning in the following areas:

Act I

Lore[edit | edit source]

I will never forget the first time I saw these horrors shambling out of the misty woods. Our loved ones, buried long ago, rose from their graves and began to attack the living. However, the risen dead were only the beginning...-- Deckard Cain

Trivia[edit | edit source]

The Ebenezer Samuel superunique was named after Ebenezer Samuel, the video game critic at the NY Daily News.[1]

Media[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]