Dark Cultist
Dark Cultists are humans who worship the Prime Evils in the Triune religion/cult and gain powers and abilities from their dark masters. Cultists are Human type monsters.
Subtypes[edit | edit source]
Act I
- Dark Cultist
- Dark Ritualist
- Dark Zealot
- Deranged Cultist
- Enraged Zealot
Act II
- Crazed Cultist
- Dark Zealot
- Deranged Cultist
In Alphabetical Order
Crazed Cultist[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act II - Road to Alcarnus, Abandoned Cellar, Deserted Cellar, Alcarnus, Stinging Winds, Sandy Cellar and Hidden Conclave
- Melee physical attack
Dark Cultist[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Cathedral (3), Highlands Cave, Leoric's Manor, Leoric's Hunting Grounds, The Lyceum, Watch Tower, Halls of Agony, Highlands Passage and Khazra Den
- Melee physical attack
Dark Ritualist[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Cells of the Condemned
- Melee physical attack
Dark Zealot[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Wortham
- Appears in Act II - Hadi's Claim Mine
- Melee physical attack
Deranged Cultist[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Highlands Passage
- Appears in Act II - Road to Alcarnus, Alcarnus, Alcarnus Cellar, Sandy Cellar, Lair of the Witch, Hidden Conclave and Sundered Canyon
- Melee physical attack
Enraged Zealot[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Khazra Den
- Melee physical attack
Named[edit | edit source]
Superunique versions of Dark Cultist have a chance of spawning in the following areas:
Act I
- Brakan - Highlands Cave, Leoric's Hunting Grounds
- Crassus the Tormentor - Halls of Agony, level 1. Target of bounty Kill Crassus the Tormentor
- Cultist Grand Inquisitor - Halls of Agony, level 1
- Percepeus - Leoric's Hunting Grounds. Target of the bounty Kill Percepeus
- Sarella the Vile - Leoric's Manor Courtyard, Leoric's Hunting Grounds
- Theodyn Deathsinger - Leoric's Hunting Grounds. Target of the bounty Kill Theodyn Deathsinger
Background[edit | edit source]
Little is known about these worshippers of demonic powers. Abd al-Hazir came across them on his travels in the Western Kingdoms, and he made an entry on his meeting with the cultists in his 42nd entry of the Writings of Abd al-Hazir, and which mysteriously also became his last.
He describes in detail the early stages of the ritual to make a human into a Dark Vessel, where "Teeth of Diablo" are nailed into the back of a willing cultist. Here is an excerpt:
- That was when I first saw them, the dark cultists, arrayed in a circle. Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes. I had heard tales of these hooded cultists and their depraved rituals, and I must admit to some curiosity upon seeing them. As their chanting droned on, I thought to make my escape lest they see me, but my attention was riveted by a pale, vacant-eyed supplicant being led forward. I do not know if he was of limited mental capacity, lost in religious mania, or simply drugged, but he was definitely not sound of mind as he knelt in the center of the thrumming circle.

- The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue. A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash. My mind searched for any possible use for this cursed nail when I noticed the immense stygian hammer grasped in his other hand. With one swift motion, he raised it above his head and drove the spike into the supplicant's back with fierce intensity. I almost screamed... but the victim made no sound.
- As another spike was readied, I knew I could watch no more. I trembled with the thought of those nails being driven into me should I be caught. I averted my gaze as I heard the revolting squish of another spike sunk into willing flesh. My eyes fell on the robe of the lead cultist. The intricate runes woven into his robe undulated and swirled in sickening movement. As I watched, horrified, I could feel my sanity crumbling away. I began to back away from the wicked tableau, forcing myself to move slowly while my mind screamed for me to flee with abandon. When I could contain myself no longer, I broke into a full run, not caring what sound I made. I ran until I collapsed. And then, as soon as I was able, I staggered to my feet and ran some more.
Lore[edit | edit source]
A dark coven has formed in Tristram and I fear that their superstitious violence may damn the whole region. I discovered very little during my eavesdropping--except that the word "Jumper" was repeated several times in their chants. Oh well, now I journey to the safety of my home, where I may put these worries behind me.
- A Summoner's Journal (required for Taking Notes achievement)
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Dark Zealot in Wortham
From the Monk cinematic.
Summoning Dark Demons.
Summoning Dark Demons.
Monsters of Diablo III[e] Beasts Beasts: Superunique Demons Demons: Superunique Humans Humans: Superunique Undead Undead: Superunique Objects Bosses Boss Mods Monster Info Fanmade |
Beasts | Bat - Beast - Blood Hawk - Demonic Hellflyer - Electric Eel - Khazra - Lacuni - Lamprey - Quill Fiend - Rockworm - Sand Monster - Sand Shark - Sand Wasp - Scavenger - Spider - Spiderling - Swarm - Withermoth - Wood Wraith - |
Demons |
Armored Destroyer - Dark Berserker - Deceiver - Fallen - Ghoul - Hellion - Thrall |
Undead |
Accursed - Bone Reaver - Brigand - Dune Dervish - Ghost - Ghoul - Grotesque - Morlu Caster - Risen Dead - Skeleton - Skeleton Mage - Unburied - Wraith - Wretched Mother |
Primary Quest Uniques |
Act One Bosses:
Araneae -
Skeleton King -
The Warden -
The Butcher
| |||||
Uniques Modifiers |
Strong CC (Limit 1): Knockback -- Nightmarish -- Vortex -- Jailer | ||||
Removed Modifiers |
| ||||
| |||||
Act One Uniques | Araneae - Web Spit | Leoric - Summon Skeleton, Teleport Strike, Triple Cleave | The Butcher - Smash, Grappling Hook, Spear, Frenzy Charge | ||
Act Two Uniques | Maghda - Forcefield, Summoning Ritual, Punish, Moth Dust, Teleport. | Zoltan Kulle - Fiery Boulder, Time Bubble, Ceiling Collapse, Energy Twister,Vanish, Creepy Laugh | Belial - Phase One: Triple Fireball, Summon Vipers. Phase Two: Poison Meteors, Ground Pound, Lightning Strike, Lightning Breath. | ||
Act Three Uniques | Ghom - Acid Slime, Sneeze, Gas Cloud, Chomp. | Siegebreaker - Triple Hit, Charge, Leg Stomp, Grab and Throw. | Cydaea - Pain Bolts, Web Trap, Spider Pits. | Azmodan - Bellyflop, Laser Attack, Falling Corpses, Demon Gate, Pool of Destruction, Globe of Annihilation. | |
Act Four Uniques | Rakanoth - Cleave, Teleport Strike, Blade Strike, Volley, Summon Minion. | Izual - Frost Nova, Frozen, Summon Minions. | Diablo - Phase One: Claw Rip, Charge, Hell Spikes, Shadow Vanish Grab, Curse of Destruction, Ring of Fire, Ground Stomp, Curse of Anguish, Curse of Hatred. Phase Two: Shadow Clone. Phase Three: Overdrive, Lightning Breath. |
Monster Info |
Monsters Basics -
Bosses -
Boss Modifiers -
Champions -
Quest bosses -
Teeth of Diablo -
Fan-made monsters