Skeletal Shieldbearer

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Skeletal Shieldmen are Skeletons with shields, made to protect other undead creations. They don't have very powerful melee attacks.

Skeletal Shieldmen are Undead Monsters.

Diablo III Monster

Diablo III Monster [e]
Skeletal Shieldbearer
Classification: Undead
Monster Family: Skeleton
Role: Defensive Blocker
Monster Stats
Life: Unknown
Mana: None
Armor: Unknown
Resistance: Unknown
Armament: Sword & Shield
DPS: Unknown
Low Damage: Unknown
High Damage: Unknown
Range: Melee
Speed: Slow
Movement: Slow
Monster Modifiers
Found In
Tristram Cathedral
Leoric Highlands

These foot soldier skeletons spawn with large, round, glowing blue shields from which they derive their names. They carry a sword as well, but use it only sporadically, and not with very great effect. Their chief purpose is as a defensive unit, and a phalanx of these skeletons can usually be found in front of Skeletal Archers or a Skeletal Summoner. They block very effectively, thwarting most attacks launched straight at them, but are very slow to turn and can be flanked or simply run past without much difficulty.

They have slow foot speed and attack speed, and very low hit points, so will usually die in just one or two hits if their shields are bypassed.

Area of Effect direct damage spells cast on these creatures seems to be absorbed by the shields. Damage spells from behind and other effect AoE spells work normally. The easiest way to deal with these creatures seems to be attacking from behind, or use some sort of skill or item to stun them.

Spells and Abilities

Blocking Skeletal Shieldman.
The glowing shield that the shieldmen use will block the majority of any damage any attack made against them, making them excellent "tanks" for other monsters, like casters or ranged attackers.


As of the WWI 2008 gameplay movie (July), skeletal shieldmen mark their success blocking attacks with the word block, appearing on the screen above the action. The 'block' does not negate all damage, but it does negate most of it. This feature is controversial, with many players disapproving of the word showing up on the screen, as though the action were being narrated in a fighting game. There's no telling if that feature will remain into the final game, as early in development as we are now.

Shield Power

The glowing shield will block the majority of the damage dealt and as a visual representation the glow will diminish until the power of the shield runs out. You can easily see how much damage these skeletons will be able to block from direct damage.

Related Monsters


Skeletal Shieldmen are just regular Skeletons, but carry large, magically infused shields. This additional shield requires the Necromancer or demon summoning the skeleton to use a slightly more powerful spell, even if it's just a small portion more advanced. It will give the shieldman the ability to protect other types of skeletons, to deal more damage to any enemies of the summoner.

Skeletal Shieldmen are subject to the same rules of existence as their less advanced versions.


You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery: