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Witch Doctor

3,209 bytes added, 12:20, 9 November 2010
no edit summary
==BackgroundClass Design==
|game= Diablo III
|foes= [[Clan of the Seven Stones]], [[Tribe of the Clouded Valley]]
The Witch Doctor comes from looks a bit like the an area top half of one of the [[TorajanDiablo II]] jungles called 's {{wl|[[Teganze Flayer Shaman]] on the southern tip }}, especially when outfitted in one of his oversized, colourful tribal masks. There is even a Flayer Shaman called {{iw|Witch_Doctor_Endugu Witch Doctor Endugu}}. Judging by the great eastern continent, just southwest of [[KurastWitch Doctor skills|skills thus far demonstrated]] (where , the WD fights a lot like a {{iwwl|Act_Three Act Three[ Necromancer]}} took place in , using cunning and guile, rather than direct physical attacks. Witch Doctors possess a number of mind control spells, the ability to summon and control [[Diablo IIundead]]). You can see it located on the servants, and a variety of direct damage [[World mapelemental]] close to Kurastattacks.
[[Image:Wd-mongrel2.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Simple [[Mongrel]] and fire-enhanced Mongrel, primary minion of the WD.]]
The [[D3 Team]] has described the Witch Doctor as old, grizzled and fanatical. His magic is not clean and easy, like the fire or lightning a {{iw|Sorceress Sorceress}} can produce with a snap of her fingers. Witch Doctors get dirty. They summon [[Wall of Zombies|walls of zombies]] to rip apart enemies, they call forth undead demon hounds called [[Mongrel]]s that they can detonate to deal heavy damage to their enemies, and they fashion the skulls of the dead into explosive grenades. The D3 team discussed the Witch Doctor's design concepts in the [[WWI 2008: Denizens of Diablo Panel|Denizens of Diablo panel]] at the [[WWI 2008]].
The fearsome ::''For the Witch Doctor of the [[umbaru]] is believed , we wanted to be get a legend by manyrich, but [[Abd alvoodoo vibe. We wanted to avoid straight up master-Hazir]] has seen caster feel. He's not just conjuring things out of thin air. WDs don't just channel magic. They take real world objects and infuse them with voodoo magic. Our spell descriptions for the WD were like, "He's going to throw a shrunken head filled with a chemical concoction." Or "He's going to create insect swarms by blowing voodoo dust from his own eyes, documented palms." Or "He's going to sprinkle dust in the [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir: Entry no. 0013|thirteenth entry]] of his [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir|writings]]air and cause illusions and frighten monsters away. "''
The team felt that it wouldn't be a real Witch Doctor uses terrifying precision to assault his foewithout [[zombies]]. They go together naturally, but they didn's mind t want normal slow wandering zombies. They mashed the idea of Zombies with the Firewall of previous games and body came up with elixirs and powders evoking fires, explosions, and poisonous spirits. He can also summon and control [[undeadWall of Zombies|zombie wall]] creatures from the netherworld to combat his enemies.
[[Leonard Boyarsky]] describes the Witch Doctor: <ref>[ Leonard Boyarsky @ BlizzCon 2008] - Gamespy, October, 2010</ref>
::''The Witch Doctors come from the Tribe of the Five HillsDoctor is angry, someone who frequently engages in tribal warfare with both the Clan of the Seven Stones 's been broken by a life that's dealt a few too many hard knocks and the Tribe of the Clouded Valley as a ritual rather than conquestnot enough joy. The tribes use these wars to replenish their supply This is someone tired of human sacrifices their civilization revolves around. Only those taken being smacked in battle are considered worthy of the ritual sacrifice according head, so he uses his mystical powers to get into the code heads of heroism others (and honour of the tribes.  The tribes define themselves by their belief in the [[Mbwiru Eikura]], which roughly translates to "[[Unformed Land|The Unformed Land]]". Their belief holds if that the truedoesn't work, sacred reality is veiled behind the physical one we normally experience. Their vitally important public ceremonies are centred upon sacrifices to the life force that flows from a swarm of locusts will get under their gods, who inhabit the Unformed Land, into this lesser physical realmskin).''
Witch Doctors are finely attuned to this Unformed Land ==Skills and are able to train their minds to perceive it through a combination of rituals and the use of selected roots and herbs found in the jungles. They call the state in which they interact with this other world the [[Ghost Trance]].Traits==
The [[Witch Doctor skill]]s were arranged in three skill trees, [[Zombie_Skill_Tree|Zombie]], [[Spirit_Skill_Tree|Spirit]], and [[Voodoo_Skill_Tree|Voodoo]], prior to 2010. They have since been arranged into one large list. The following is a very short version of it.
* [[Witch Doctor skills]] all active skills.
* [[Witch Doctor traits]] all passive skills.
Tier One Skills* [[Summon Zombie Dog]] -- The second most sacred belief of the tribes is their philosophy Witch Doctor summons a level X zombie dog to aid him. Can have up to X zombie dogs out at a time.* [[Plague of selfToads]] -sacrifice and non-individuality, Release a handful of suppressing one's selftoads that deal X-interest for the good of the tribeX poison damage to anybody who steps on them.
Tier Two Skills
[[Image:Wd-locust-swarm1.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Locust Swarm]].]]
* [[Zombie Charger]] -- A reckless, suicidal zombie deals X-X poison damage to all enemies in its way.
* [[Corpse Spiders]] -- Summon X spiders to attack nearby enemies.
* [[Haunt]] -- Haunt an enemy with a spirit dealing X arcane damage over X seconds. If the target dies, the spirit will automatically haunt another nearby target.
Their most current war created an intense social upheaval among the tribes due to an incident, of which details are lacking, but might be the reason the Witch Doctor has traveled west to [[Tristram]].Tier Three Skills   ==Class Design==The Witch Doctor looks a bit like the top half of one of * [[Diablo IIPoison Dart]]'s {{wl|[ Flayer Shaman]}}, especially when outfitted in one of his oversized, colourful tribal masks. There is even -- Fires a Flayer Shaman called {{iw|Witch_Doctor_Endugu Witch Doctor Endugu}}deadly poison dart that deals X-X poison damage and an additional X-X poison damage over X seconds. Judging by the * [[Witch Doctor skills|skills thus far demonstrated]], the WD fights a lot like a {{wl|[ Necromancer]}}, using cunning and guile, rather than direct physical attacks. Witch Doctors possess a number Grasp of mind control spells, the ability to summon and control [[undeadDead]] servants-- Hands reach out, slowing enemies by X% and a variety of direct dealing X-X damage [[elemental]] attacksper second for X seconds[[Image:Wd-mongrel2.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Simple * [[MongrelHex]] and fire-enhanced Mongrel, primary minion of the WD- Summon a fetish shaman for X seconds that will hex enemies into chickens.]]The [[D3 Team]] has described the Witch Doctor as old, grizzled Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions and fanaticalwill take X% additional damage. His magic is not clean and easy, like the fire or lightning a {{iw|Sorceress Sorceress}} can produce with a snap of her fingers. Witch Doctors get dirty. They summon * [[Wall of Zombies|walls of zombiesSacrifice]] to rip apart enemies-- A nearby zombie dog explodes, they call forth undead demon hounds called [[Mongrel]]s that they can detonate to deal heavy dealing X damage to their all enemies, and they fashion the skulls of the dead into explosive grenadeswithin X yards. The D3 team discussed the Witch Doctor's design concepts in the * [[WWI 2008: Denizens of Diablo Panel|Denizens of Diablo panelSoul Harvest]] at the [[WWI 2008]]. ::''For -- Feed on the Witch Doctor, we wanted to get a rich, voodoo vibe. We wanted to avoid straight up master-caster feel. He's not just conjuring things out life force of thin airnearby enemies. WDs don't just channel magic. They take real world objects and infuse them with voodoo magic. Our Gain X% increased spell descriptions damage per enemy within X feet for the WD were like, "He's going to throw a shrunken head filled with a chemical concoction." Or "He's going to create insect swarms by blowing voodoo dust from his palms." Or "He's going to sprinkle dust in the air and cause illusions and frighten monsters awayX seconds."''
Tier Four Skills
* [[Firebats] -- A swarm of fiery bats burn enemies in front of you for X fire damage per second.
* [[Locust Swarm]] -- A plague of locusts assault enemies dealing X damage per second over X seconds. The locusts will jump to additional nearby targets.
The team felt Tier Five Skills[[Image:Wd-zombie-wall1.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Wall of Zombies]]]]* [[Acid Cloud]] -- Acid rains down dealing an initial X-X poison damage followed by X-X poison damage per second to nearby enemies who remain in the area.* [[Firebomb]] -- Lob an explosive skull that it wouldn't be a real Witch Doctor without deals X-X fire damage to all enemies caught in the explosion.* [[zombiesHorrify]]. They go together naturally-- Don a spectral mask that horrifies all enemies within X feet, but they didn't want normal slow wandering zombiescausing them to run in fear for X seconds. They mashed the idea of Zombies with the Firewall of previous games and came up with * [[Wall of Zombies|zombie wall]]-- Zombies erupt from the earth and attack nearby enemies for X damage per second.
Tier Six Skills* [[Leonard BoyarskyGargantuan]] describes -- Summon a large level X zombie follower to fight for you.* [[Mass Confusion]] -- Incite paranoia in enemies, causing some to fight for the Witch Doctor: <ref>for X seconds.* [[Pit of Fire]] -- A gang of fetishes go tribal, causing X-iii/885172p1X fire damage to all enemies caught in their ceremony.html Leonard Boyarsky @ BlizzCon 2008* [[Spirit Walk] ] -- GamespyEnter the spirit realm, October, 2010</ref>allowing unhindered movement for X seconds.
::''The Witch Doctor is angry, someone who's been broken Tier Seven Skills[[Fetish Army]] -- Summon an army of fetish creatures to fight by your side for X seconds.[[Parasite]] -- Launch a life that's dealt parasite at an enemy, dealing X damage over X seconds. If a few too many hard knocks and not enough joy. This is someone tired of being smacked in target dies while under the head, so he uses his mystical powers to get into the heads effects of others (and if that doesn't workparasite, a swarm zombie dog emerges from the slain body.[[Spirit Barrage]] -- A multitude of locusts will get under their skin)spirit bolts bombard enemies in the targeted area. Each bolt deals X-X arcane damage.''
The facial look of the Witch Doctor, male and female, may be almost irrelevant in the game, since most characters will always have one of the masks ([[helms]]) on them. These are far more obscuring of the face than the headgear of any of the other classes. It's not yet known how exactly alike the masks are for male and female WDs.
The Male Witch Doctor's face has evolved quite a bit during the game's development, at least judging from the few pieces of concept art we've been shown. The earliest version of the character was a sort of wildman of the swamp; he doesn't appear to have been brown-skinned, and the oddest part was that he carried a little shrunken monster in a backpack, somewhat like the Fetish Shaman found in Diablo II.
This mini-WD was something of a sidekick, and would assist the WD in combat. One example given during a Blizzcon panel was that when the WD was stunned, the mini-WD would stand up in the backpack and beat him on the head to try and wake him up.
==Necromancer Replacement?==
But the key is that we don’t necessarily want to... we don’t want to cannibalize an existing gameplay mechanic. So when you take health globes that are already important, and you make them even more important, then that doesn’t really create gameplay. For the WD, the health globes weren’t that important a lot of times, since he very rarely took damage with his pets, so for him by enhancing his desire for health globes, we’re really putting gameplay where it wasn’t. So whatever we’re designing a class that’s what we look at.
 ==DevelopmentClass Background== The Witch Doctor class was unveiled at comes from the an area of the [[WWI 2008Torajan]]jungles called [[Teganze]] on the southern tip of the great eastern continent, together just southwest of [[Kurast]] (where {{iw|Act_Three Act Three}} took place in [[Diablo II]]). You can see it located on the [[World map]] close to Kurast. The fearsome Witch Doctor of the [[umbaru]] is believed to be a legend by many, but [[Abd al-Hazir]] has seen them with his own eyes, documented in the [[BarbarianWritings of Abd al-Hazir: Entry no. 0013|thirteenth entry]] of his [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir|writings]]. Besides  The Witch Doctor uses terrifying precision to assault his foe's mind and body with elixirs and powders evoking fires, explosions, and poisonous spirits. He can also summon and control [[undead]] creatures from the netherworld to combat his enemies. Witch Doctors come from the Tribe of the Five Hills, who frequently engages in tribal warfare with both the Clan of the Seven Stones and the Tribe of the Clouded Valley as a ritual rather than conquest. The tribes use these wars to replenish their supply of human sacrifices their civilization revolves around. Only those taken in battle are considered worthy of the ritual sacrifice according to the code of heroism and honour of the tribes. The tribes define themselves by their belief in the [[Mbwiru Eikura]], which roughly translates to "[[Unformed Land|The Unformed Land]]". Their belief holds that the true, sacred reality is veiled behind the physical one we normally experience. Their vitally important public ceremonies are centred upon sacrifices to the life force that flows from their gods, who inhabit the Unformed Land, into this lesser physical realm. Witch Doctors are finely attuned to this Unformed Land and are able to train their minds to perceive it through a few name changes combination of rituals and the use of selected roots and herbs found in the jungles. They call the state in which they interact with this other world the [[Ghost Trance]]. The second most sacred belief of the tribes is their philosophy of self-sacrifice and non-individuality, of suppressing one's self-interest for spellsthe good of the tribe. Their most current war created an intense social upheaval among the tribes due to an incident, not much had changed for of which details are lacking, but might be the reason the Witch Doctor by mid June 2009has traveled west to [[Tristram]]
===Official Character Lore===
{{Class navbox|Witch Doctor}}
{{Class navbox|WD}}