Ghouls are swift and dexterous "cannon fodder" monsters that swarm players. Easy to kill one at a time, harder in greater numbers. Ghouls are undead monsters.
Ghouls might be undead, but are nothing like slow shambling zombies; the Ghouls are fast and uncanny, running hunched over in a bestial, almost quadrupedal style. They climb quickly and leap out at the player from all angles.
The primary advice to stay alive against Ghouls seems to just be avoid being swarmed from all directions, and use skills like the Barbarian Berserker skill Leap Attack or the Wizard spell Arcane Teleport (preferably with a Striking Rune) or the Witch Doctor spells Horrify or Mass Confusion.
Subtypes[edit | edit source]
Act I
- Ghoul
- Savage Fiend
- Savage Ghoul
Act II
- Murderous Fiend
- Vicious Ghoul
- Blazing Ghoul
Ghoul[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - The Festering Woods and Watch Tower
- Physical attack
Savage Fiend[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - The Cursed Hold
- Physical attack
<mob>Savage Fiend</mob>
Savage Ghoul[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act I - Cathedral (2)
- Physical attack
<mob>Savage Ghoul</mob>
Murderous Fiend[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act II - Eastern Channel, Cave of Burrowing Horror and Vile Cavern
- Physical attack
<mob>Murderous Fiend</mob>
Vicious Ghoul[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act II - Sirocco Caverns and Eastern Channel
- Physical attack
<mob>Vicious Ghoul</mob>
Blazing Ghoul[edit | edit source]
- Appears in Act III - Tower of the Damned, Arreat Crater and Heart of the Damned
- Physical attack
<mob>Blazing Ghoul</mob>
Named[edit | edit source]
Superunique versions of Ghoul have a chance of spawning in the following areas:
Act I
- Enkidu, Fields of Misery. Part of the Eternal War event.
- Grimsmack - Wortham
Lore[edit | edit source]
- Ghouls are stronger than most risen dead, but they gain their fortitude through horrific means -- feasting upon human corpses. These creatures are least dangerous while eating, but do not disturb them or it shall be your limbs between their teeth. -- Deckard Cain
Development[edit | edit source]
Ghouls were first seen in the WWI 2008 gameplay video, and changed little since then. The Ghouls in the WWI 2008 gameplay video had significantly less health than in later gameplay videos as well as the BlizzCon 2008 demo. This is not spectacular though, as it seems that video had all mob's health turned way down to show the strength of the Barbarian.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Monsters of Diablo III[e] Beasts Beasts: Superunique Demons Demons: Superunique Humans Humans: Superunique Undead Undead: Superunique Objects Bosses Boss Mods Monster Info Fanmade |
Undead |
Accursed - Bone Reaver - Brigand - Dune Dervish - Ghost - Ghoul - Grotesque - Morlu Caster - Risen Dead - Skeleton - Skeleton Mage - Unburied - Wraith - Wretched Mother |