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1,975 bytes added, 00:02, 26 June 2009
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* '''1337 ''' -- Leet as in 'leet speak'. Originally meant as elite. Awesome outstanding. An overused term now usually used ironically or sarcastically.* '''1H ''' -- one-handed weapon* '''2H ''' -- two-handed weapon
* ''' (''' or '''Bnet) ''' -- [[]]. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II.* '''B/O ''' -- Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill* '''Baba (''' or '''Barb) ''' -- [[Barbarian]].* '''BBL ''' -- Be Back Later* '''BBS ''' -- Be back soon* '''Big D ''' -- [[Diablo]] (the boss monster himself.)* '''BIN ''' -- Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.* '''Blk ''' -- Block.* '''bm ''' -- bad manners. Indicating a [[PvP]] ruleset* '''boost ''' -- [[rush]], [[turbo]]. To * '''BM''' -- the Barbarian's [[BattleMaster Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.* '''Bp ''' -- [[Breakpoint]]. A mark at which something improves.* '''Brb ''' -- Be right back.* '''Brt ''' -- Be right there.* '''Btc ''' -- Back to channel.* '''BTS ''' -- Blizzard Technical Support.* '''btw ''' -- By the way* '''BvB ''' -- Barbarian Versus Barbarian Dueling.* '''BvC ''' -- Barbarian v Caster (pvp)
* '''gfi ''' -- Go for it* '''gg ''' -- good game. Standard response to your opponent after a PvP duel. Can also mean "good gear. Anything good really"* '''Gj ''' -- Good job.* '''Gl ''' -- Good luck.* '''gosu ''' -- godly or awesome. Very good* '''grush ''' -- glitched [[rush]], where an attempt to rush a low level character has gone awry.* '''GS''' -- [[Ground Stomp]], A Barbarian skill from the [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]].* '''gtg ''' -- Good to go (or Got to go)
* '''H ''' -- Hell. Third and last difficulty of Diablo 1 and 2.* '''HC ''' -- [[Hard Core]]. One death and game over* '''Hot ''' -- Warning that a portal is dangerous to enter* '''HP ''' -- Hit Points.
* '''i.e. ''' -- That is, for example. (''id est'' in Latin).* '''ID ''' -- Identify.* '''IIRC ''' -- If I recall correctly* '''Ilvl ''' -- Item Level.* '''IMHO ''' -- In my humble/honest opinion.* '''IMO ''' -- In my opinion* '''Ind ''' -- Indestructible.* '''Inv ''' -- Inventory.* '''ISO ''' -- in search of
* '''j/k ''' -- Just kidding.* '''Jugg''' or '''Juggs''' or '''Juggz''' or '''Jugger''' -- The [[Barbarian]]'s [[Juggernaut Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.
* '''L ''' -- Ladder. (Usually seen in trade Forums)* '''l337 ''' -- Elite* '''LD ''' -- (LDam, LDmg) - Lightning damage.* '''LE ''' -- Lightning Enchanted.* '''Leeching ''' -- Gaining experience by standing around and letting others fight (rather than actually playing the game)* '''Leech ''' -- (noun) One who leeches. (Experience or items from other, more active players. Usually a derogatory term.)* '''Leech ''' -- (verb) Life or Mana steal.* '''legit ''' -- legitimate item, not a dupe* '''LHC ''' -- [[ladder]] hard core* '''LI ''' -- Lightning immune* '''LL ''' -- Life Leech.* '''LL ''' -- The [ Lurker Lounge]. A website dedicated to Diablo statistics, game-mechanics and in-depth analysis.* '''LLD ''' -- Low level dueling. [[PvP]] dueling characters at a pre-set level to limit their equipment choices and skill options.* '''lmao ''' -- laughing my rear off* '''LoD ''' -- Lord of Destruction. The Diablo II expansion. Also referred to as D2X.* '''LOL ''' -- Laughs out loud* '''LR ''' -- Lightning resistance* '''LS''' -- [[Locust Swarm]], a Witch Doctor skill from the [[Plague Skill Tree]].* '''LSC ''' -- ladder soft core* '''LTB ''' -- Looking to Buy* '''LTT ''' -- Looking To Trade* '''Lvl ''' -- Level
* '''Max ''' -- Maximum* '''MD (''' -- Also '''MDam, ''' or '''MDmg) - '''. Magic Damage.* '''Merc ''' -- Mercenary.* '''MF ''' -- Magic Find.* '''MI ''' -- Magic Immune.* '''MiC ''' -- Meet in Channel (also MiP* '''Min ''' -- Minimum.* '''ML ''' -- Mana Leech* '''MLD ''' -- Mid Level Duel. Characters used for dueling at a set maximum level to limit their skill and equipment use. See also vLLD and LLD.* '''mlvl ''' -- Monster Level.* '''MM''' -- [[Magic Missile]], a Wizard skill from the [[Arcane Skill Tree]].* '''Mod ''' -- Modifier. Adds a characteristic to an item such as a weapon or charm.* '''Mod ''' -- Moderator. A member responsible for moderating a forum or channel.* '''Mod ''' -- Modified game version of Diablo 2. (allowing varied game play of an old favorite)* '''Moron ''' -- Mercernary* '''MP ''' -- Market Place. Trading site for D2 at* '''MP ''' -- Multi -Player.* '''MP ''' -- Mana Points.* '''MPK ''' -- Mana per kill* '''MR ''' -- Magic Resistant.* '''msg ''' -- message* '''Mules ''' -- characters used to store extra items* '''Muling ''' -- moving items from one character to another for storage or onto a character to be used. Either mules or ATMA (D2 single player only)
* '''S/E ''' -- Save and exit. Usually to avoid an untimely death. Considered poor form in some circles, usually Hardcore* '''S/S ''' -- Sword/Shield.* '''SC ''' -- Soft Core. Non-[[Hardcore]] characters.* '''script ''' -- descriptions, usually in trade games, e.g., "UM 4 script" means for details read the description* '''Sec ''' -- Hang on a second* '''Single Passs : ''' -- going through the game without re-running an area* '''slivering ''' -- taking a moster down to the bare minimum of health before killing, usually with some other weapon for greater [[magic find]] benefit, or to let another character get the last hit (such as while rushing) to give the lower level character the kill credit.* '''Slow ''' -- Slows Target. Item mod that slows enemies* '''Slvl ''' -- Skill Level* '''Sorc (''' -- Also Soso, Socer) - Sasa. Sorceress. D2 character.* '''SP ''' -- Single Player. Usually refers to single-player mode.* '''Spec ''' -- Spectral Hit.* '''SPF ''' -- Single Player Forum* '''SPTF ''' -- Single Player Trade Forum* '''SPoints ''' -- Skill Points.* '''ST''' -- [[Slow Time]], a Wizard skill* '''Stam ''' -- Stamina.* '''Storing ''' -- Transferring items from one in-game character to a character not in game.* '''STR ''' -- Strength* '''Strat ''' -- Strategy.* '''Synch ''' -- refers to synchronizing with the server, thus going back to normal. Can be done through instant movements (teleportation, waypoints, portals) to defeat a desynched state.* '''[[Synergy]] -''' - Skills that directly boost or are boosted by points in other skills. Very common in D2.
* '''T/O ''' -- Top Offer. Used in trading items.* '''TC ''' -- [[Treasure Class]]* '''TE (Tele) ''' -- Teleport. A Sorceress Skill on the lightning tree.* '''tft ''' or '''t4t''' - t4t - thanks for that or thanks for trade* '''TG ''' -- Town Guarding. Hanging around outside town to kill anyone coming out. See [[PK]].* '''thx ''' -- Thanks* '''tking ''' -- town killing* '''TP ''' -- Trading Post* '''TP ''' -- Teleport. A Sorceress skill on the lightning tree.* '''TP ''' -- Town Portal* '''tppk ''' -- Town Portal Personnal Kill* '''Transferring ''' -- Interchanging items between characters, including activites referred to as muling, twinking and storing.* '''Trolling ''' -- Making provocative, controversial or offensive remarks, intended to create a confrontational response. Usually found in forums.* '''ttyl ''' -- Talk to you later.* '''Twinked ''' -- Characters (usually low level or starting) using items they have been giving to make the early game much easier* '''ty ''' -- Thank you.* '''tyt ''' -- Take your time.* '''tyvm ''' -- Thank you very much
* '''Uber ''' - Awesome, Ultimate, Elite. Often used ironically.* '''Unid'd ''' - Unidentified item.* '''Untwinked ''' - Characters using only what they find
* '''Vanilla: ''' - Single Player term means without mods* '''VIT ''' - Vitality.* '''Vlld ''' - Also vLLD. Very low level dueling. Limiting the upper level of characters in a PvP duel to limit the items and skills at their disposal. See also LLD and MLD.
* '''W8 ''' - Wait.* '''wb ''' - Welcome back* '''WD ''' - [[Witch Doctor]].* '''Weap ''' - Weapon.* '''Wiz ''' - [[Wizard]]* '''Woot ''' - w00t. Yippee!* '''WoW ''' - World of Warcraft.* '''WoZ''' - [[Wall of Zombies]], one of the [[Witch Doctor skills]].* '''WP ''' - Waypoint.* '''WSM ''' - weapon speed modifier or base weapon speed* '''WTF ''' - What was that?! Or West Trading Forum.* '''WUG ''' - "What you got?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you have to offer?"* '''WUW ''' - "What you want?". Common B.Net Trade talk meaning "What do you want for that item?"* '''WW ''' - Whirlwind. A Barbarian and assassin combat skill.
* '''Xbow ''' - Crossbow.* '''Xfer ''' - Transfer.* '''XP ''' - Experience.
* '''y ''' - Yes* '''yw ''' - You're welcome
* '''Zerk''' - The [[Berserker Skill Tree]], one of the Barbarian's skill trees
* '''Zerker''' - A barbarian who specializes in skills from the [[Berserker Skill Tree]]