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→Attributes and Skills
*'''[[Willpower]]:''' x
Enchantment skills are cast by the character and last for a certain duration. Different enchantments can be in effect at the same time (stacked), but can have only 1 Weapon and 1 Armor Enchantment per Tree active at a time.
===Arcane Warrior Skills===
The Arcane Warrior skills are arranged into to three distinctive skill tree categories:
* Weapon EnchantmentsSteel & Fire* Armor EnchantmentsPax Arcanna* Weapon skillsTerra Firma
All three trees have a combination of active and passive skills. Active skills are used in combat, while the passive skills boost or change the behaviour of the active skills.
====Steel & Fire Skills====
This tree focuses on speed and raw destructive output. Uses Fire and Lightning. "A good defense is a good offense."
== Tier I: ==
* '''Burn:''' Enchants Weapon. Adds fire damage to attacks and increases accuracy.
* '''Jolt:''' Enchants weapon. Adds electrical damage to attacks and increases attack speed.
* '''Flame Armor:''' Enchant Armor. Deal fire damage to any melee attackers.
* '''Lightning Spirit:''' Increase attack speed and accuracy. Passive.
* '''Lunge:''' Melee. Attack and move forward in a short burst, knocking foes back a ways and following. Sort of a short burst Charge, but foe must be in melee range. Useful to break out when surrounded.
== Tier II: ==
* '''Twitch:''' Missile. Essentially a Missile based Zeal.
* '''Flame Spray:''' Enchants Weapon. Melee, causes a spherical firewall centered on target. Missiles cause a trail of fire to form under arrows path.
* '''Lightning Rod:''' Enchants Weapon. When enemy is struck, a lightning bolt goes from character to target. Can trigger multiple bolts from one attack. More useful for multiple missiles against clustered enemies.
* '''Conflageration:''' Enchant Armor. Causes the ground around the character to burst into fire.
== Tier III: ==
* '''Sweep:''' Melee. Spins once in a circle, striking any surrounding enemies within range.
* '''Burst:''' Enchants weapon. On attack, explosive fire is dealt to nearby units (ala D2 Fireball or Explosive Arrows).
* '''Chain Static:''' Enchants Weapon. Causes electrical damage to target that jumps to any units next to them, etc, etc, rippling through tightly packed enemies.
* '''Thunderclap:''' Enchant Armor. When an enemy attacks, has a chance of triggering a shockwave that knocks all foes back within a small radius, plus dealing damage.
* '''Flame Sabres:''' Spell. Creates floating swords made of fire that seek targets and deal fire damage. Can be attacked and destroyed.
== Tier IV: ==
* '''Flame Nova:''' Enchants Weapon. Triggers a fire based nova from target. Increasing rank increases size of effect.
* '''Ricochet:''' Missile. When a target is struck, the arrow jumps to the nearest target. Everytime a target is struck, the arrow keeps retargetting up to a skill based maximum or until it misses one.
* '''Channeling the Flame:''' Increases Fire and Lightning damage. Passive.
* '''Fire Elemental:''' Transforms into a Fire Elemental, dealing extra fire and increasing Fire and Lightning damage. Also, absorbs fire damage.
====Pax Arcanna Skills====
This tree focuses on penetrating and neutralizing hostile magics and magicians. Uses skills that interfere with magic, and uses teleportation offensively and defensively. "What good is magic if you're unable to use it?"
== Tier I: ==
* '''Silence:''' Enchants weapon. Has a chance to silence target.
* '''Resist Affliction:''' Decreases the chance that negative condition magics can affect character, like chill, slow, silence, etc. and also decreases the duration of such effects if they get through. Passive.
* '''Displace:''' Melee. On striking, teleport to another random position next to target.
* '''Magic Arrow:''' Missile. Fires a created arrow that causes increased, pure Arcane damage.
* '''Interference:''' Enchants weapon to inflict a condition that causes target's casting rate to greatly decrease.
== Tier II: ==
* '''Veil of Silence:''' Enchants armor so that when attacked, fires a silence bolt at attacker.
* '''Arcane Defenses:''' Passive. Increases resistance to arcane magics.
* '''Dispel:''' Spell. Sends out a shockwave that will dispel any negative magic effects on friendly units.
* '''Blood Price:''' Enchant Weapon. Adds mana damage and inflicts a condition on target that causes any abilities that drain Mana to drain an equal amount of Health as well.
* '''Skip:''' Enchant Armor. When attacked, has a chance of teleporting to a random location within range. Could be annoying to some players, but to those who thrive on chaos, welcome home!
== Tier III: ==
* '''Absorb Magic:''' Enchants armor. Has a chance of absorbing spells cast at character, eliminating damage and restoring however much mana that skill cost.
* '''Short Circuit:''' Spell. Cast on a single target. Caster and target lose all mana. (may not be very relevant, because they may not keep track of enemy mana. PvP uses would be neat-o.)
* '''Summon:''' Spell. When cast on a target, causes them to be teleported right next to caster. Doesn't work on bosses or other characters.
* '''Enhanced Channeling:''' Passive. Increases the duration of all enchantments.
==Tier IV: ==Weapon Enchantments Skills====Once a Weapon Enchantments spell is cast, any subsequent attacks will automatically take on the spell properties for the duration.*'''Flame SabreShift Stirke:''' Converts physical damage Melee. Quickly teleport next to Fire. Works on Missiles tooan enemy, maybe needs a better name. Could also have ice and lightning variants.*'''Fire Blast:''' On attack, explosive fire is dealt then zips back to neabry units (ala D2 Fireball or Explosive Arrows)his original location.*'''Flame spray:''' MeleeIf hit, causes a spherical firewall centered on target. Missiles cause a trail of fire to form under arrows path.*he's stuck where he''Chain Static:''' Causes electrical damage to target that jumps to any units next to them, etc, etc, rippling through tightly packed enemiess at.*'''Nova strikeTiamat:''' On attack, causes a nova to launch from targetEnchants weapon. Especially nice with missiles: long range Nova. And don't get me started on hitting multiple targets... :evil:*'''Lightning Rod:''' When enemy is struckAdds elemental damage of fire, a cold and lightning bolt goes from character to target. Can trigger multiple bolts from one attack with Melee and missile Piercing or Ricochet.*'''Ice Blast:''' Like Fire BlastEnhanced by Burn, Jolt, basically a D2 equiv. of Glacial Spikeand Frostbite.*'''TiamatReflect:''' Adds elemental damage Enchants armor to have a chance of all 3 elements similar to Pally Vengeance, but lasts through the durationreflecting magics cast at character.*'''ChannelingDisruption:''' Passively increases elemental damagesSpell. Could be broken into 3 skillsSends out a shockwave that destroys any spells or missiles within the given radius.
====Armor Enchantments Terra Firma Skills====Once a Armor Enchantments spell is cast, any subsequent attacks will automatically take This tree focuses more on the spell properties for the durationdefense and fortitude.*'''Fire Shield:''' Lifted from D&D as long as WotC doesn't come after meAttacks are based on strength more than speed. :shhh: Deal fire damage to any attackersUses Stone/Earth and Cold.'''Fire Aura:''' Causes "The mountain need not fear the ground around the character to burst into fire*'''Cold Armorstorm." (Note:''' Similar to D2 Sorc cold armor spells. Increased Defense Earth elemental skills are only called that for conceptual reasons and chill attacking enemies.*'''Cold Aura:''' Basically a castable Holy Freeze, no melee cause physical damage added, just aura.*'''Thunderclap:''' When not an enemy attacks, has a chance of triggering a shockwave that knocks all foes back within a small radius, plus dealing "earth elemental" damagetype.*'''Attune:''' Increases resistance to fire/ice/lightning. Passive.*'''Soul of Fire/Ice/Lightning:''' When castThat is, Absorb unless Blizzard adds that element, but reduces other resistances.)
== Tier I: ==
* '''Frostbite:''' Enchants Weapon. Adds cold damage to attacks and chills targets.
* '''Immovability:''' Passive. Decreases the chance that any effect can cause the character to move against his will, ie. knockback effects.
* '''Rockform:''' Enchants Armor. Increases Defense and Damage Reduction.
* '''Ice Shield:''' Spell. Creates a literal shield made of solid ice. If a shield is being used, it enhances it defenses and blocking. Without a shield, it floats near caster and confers double the blocking bonus that Ice Shield adds to a shield and can be used with 2-handed weapons.
==Tier II: ==Weapon Skills====Weapon Skills are per attack skills, and in some cases, are just directly cast spells.*'''TwitchInertia:''' Essentially a Missile based ZealPassive.*'''Magic Arrow:''' Maybe an enhanced version of D2 Amazon's.*'''Ricochet:''' When a target is struck, the arrow jumps Causes attacks to the nearest targetphysically pack more force. Everytime a target is struck, the arrow keeps retargetting up to a skill based maximum or it misses one.*'''Pierce:''' Identical to Amazon's Pierce. Ricochet missiles are not subject to Pierce.*'''Sweep:''' Spins once in a circle, striking any surrounding enemies within range. Enchantments can only be triggered once (maybe?).*'''Lunge:''' Attack and move forward in a short burst, knocking foes back a ways and following. Sort of a short burst Charge, but foe must be in melee range. Useful to break out when surroundedIncreases physical damage.*'''Ethereal Anchor:''' Missile. A successful attack, melee or missile, anchors can anchor the foe in place, unable to move, but can still attack. Doesn't work on bosses or other players.*'''Ice PrisonCold Aura:''' Not really Enchants Armor. Chills enemies within a weapon skill, not an enchantmentgiven radius. Like Bone Prison, but made of iceNo Damage.*'''Shift StirkeStone Guardian:''' This is one Spell. Creates a floating fist of my babies here. :D He quickly teleports next to an enemy, stone that randomly attacks, then zips back to his original location. This could have abuse potential, but make it to where if hit, he's stuck where he's at. This might also be a good one for a Rogue style class instead.*'''Displace:''' On striking, teleport to another random position next to targetnearby foes. Should be a "skill used per attack" skill so it isn't abused (too much). As above, Certain runes may be better for a different classadd Knockback.
== Tier III: ==
* '''Torque:''' Melee and missile. Slower attack, but does much more damage. If missile, it travels faster (if engine supports that).
* '''Attunement:''' Passive. Increases resistance to fire/ice/lightning.
* '''Icicle:''' Enchants Weapon. Causes a giant Icicle to fall on target, causing splash damage to nearby foes.
* '''Stalagmite:''' Spell. Summons a spike of solid rock from the earth at the desired location. Any enemies nearby take physical damage and pillar remains as an obstacle until destroyed or duration expires.
* '''Jagged Shards:''' Enchants Armor. Causes sharp rock protrusions to spring from armor, causing physical damage on melee attackers. Against missile attacks, has a chance of shattering the missile, causing no damage. Against attackers that have weapon Durability (ie. PvP), has an equal chance of reducing Durability of attackers melee weapon by one.
== Tier IV: ==
* '''Anvil:''' Melee. Crushing attack with cooldown time that does highly increased damage to target and nearby targets.
* '''Ice Prison:''' Spell. Like Bone Prison, but made of ice.
* '''Quenching the Flame:''' Passive. Increases Cold and Earth(or physical) damages.
* '''Earth Elemental:''' Transforms into Stone. Makes Earth and Ice skills do more damage, adds defense. Also, adds resistances to cold and lightning.