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Escort Mission

13 bytes added, 13:59, 8 June 2009
no edit summary
==Quest Walkthrough==
While exploring the dungeon, the player sees a gang of [[skeleton]]s attacking a fallen [[NPC]] beyond a gate. Once the player rushes over and wipes out the skeletons (since that's what players do, in Diablo III) the NPC gets up and speaks. He gives his name and says he was leading a patrol when they were attacked and he was separated from his men. He asks the player for help in finding his troops and says he'll [[follower|follow ]] you.
A few screens away the player will come upon a group of NPC warriors battling a large mob of skeletons, [[zombie]]s, and other [[undead]]. The NPC captain immediately starts shouting about how you must help his men, and the soldiers shout as well, when you get closer to them. There is usually a [[boss]] monster in the area, but with the NPCs to help occupy the monsters, the battle goes pretty quickly.