From Diablo Wiki
* High level characters can use the items they find, since they won't, for example, be built with far too little strength for that cool new item they just found.
* It respects traditional RPG philosophy of archetype characters meaning how a physical and mental ability of a class is supposed to be depending on its role. A Barbarian with very high Willpower or a Wizard with too much Strenght Strength really makes no sense from roleplaying perspective in a fantasy game.
* It completely eliminates those bad situations when people find a better item with more stats (or maybe the same item with just better rolled numbers) and realize that they have one or more unnecessary invested points ''right now'' in --insert a stat here-- just because of these new items and they don't need more stats ''right now''. Maybe later on, but this problem will never end, until you find all items perfect and reroll your character.