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Season Journey

612 bytes added, 08:15, 14 January 2016
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While most players find it enjoyable to earn the achievements, the Season Journey is optional and does not add to a character's power or abilities; the rewards are entirely visual and cosmetic. (This changed slightly in Season Five, when an additional [[stash tab]] was added as a reward for achieving the Conqueror level. Many players felt[] that was too steep a requirement, especially for gamers who do not play Seasonal full time.)
==Season Journey Patch 2.3==
[[File:Patch230-season-journey2.jpg|thumb|400px|Season Journey profile border rewards.]]
The achievements included in and the cosmetic rewards granted by each page and the entire run of the Season Journey will presumably change with each patch. For the first Season Journey in Season Four, the achievements and rewards are as follows.
[[Conquests]] are special very difficult achievements. There are only a few of them each season, some of which are new each season, and they generally require special efforts or very high skill and quality of gear to complete. All conquests are duplicated identical but recorded separately in softcore and hardcore. (Completing them in Hardcore does '''not '''also complete them in Softcore.)
See Some of the higher pages of the [[Conquests]] article for more details. They are listed here simply for convenience, since several Season Journey tasks require players to complete completing 1, 2, or 3 of the conquests.
'''Season 4 Conquests:'''
* Complete a Greater Rift 60
* Complete a Greater Rift 40 solo without the bonus of a class set
** This requires player(s) to kill the Guardian within two minutes. The award will display right then, when the Guardian dies. Players are not required to portal back to town and click Orek to end the Rift.
* Kill all bosses within 30 minutes of the game starting.
Conquests change slightly between seasons, with (usually) one or two new/changed each time.
==Season 5 Seasonal Journey==
Season Five ran on [[Patch 2.4]], and was the second season with a [[Season Journey]]. It began Friday, January 15, 2016, approximately two weeks after the end of Season Four.
The virtual pet reward and visual bonuses were new in Season Five, and of most interest to most players, a bonus [[Stash tab]] was awarded for completing the Conqueror page.
The achievements required to complete the Season Journey changed between Season Four and Season Five.
  ==Season Journey, Season Four== [[File:Patch230-season-journey2.jpg|thumb|400px|Season Journey profile border rewards.]]The following were the seasonal journey achievements for the first Season this features was present. Season Four / [[Patch 2.3]]. All rewards for the S4 SJ were cosmetic, such as bonus in-game wings, new profile borders, and an ice dog virtual pet.  ===Season 4: Chapter I===
[[File:Season-journey-pg1.jpg|thumb|300px|Chapter One, as seen on the PTR.]]
===Season 4: Chapter II=== 
* '''Build Me Up Buttercup''''
===Season 4: Chapter III===
[[File:Season-journey-pg3.jpg|thumb|300px|Chapter Three, as seen on the PTR.]]
===Season 4: Chapter IV===
[[File:Pet-season-journey5.jpg|thumb|200px|Virtual pet in character select screen.]]
===Season 4: Chapter V: Slayer===
* '''It Was a Good Day '''
===Season 4: Chapter VI: Champion===
[[File:Season-journey-pg6-champion.jpg|thumb|300px|Chapter Six: Champion, as seen on the PTR.]]
===Season 4: Chapter VII: Destroyer===
Completing Chapter Six of the Season Journey requires considerably more time invested and character advancement.
===Season 4: Chapter VIII: Conqueror===
[[File:Season-journey-pg8-conqueror.jpg|thumb|300px|Chapter Eight: Conqueror.]]
===Season 4: Chapter IX: Guardian===
[[File:Season-journey-pg9-guardian.jpg|thumb|250px|Chapter Nine: Guardian]]
* '''Money Ain't a Thang '''
** Slay [[Greed]] on Torment VI or higher