From Diablo Wiki
→A Secret Level in Diablo III?
It sounds like they've given the issue some thought, and since part of their goal with ''Diablo III'' is to make it everything ''Diablo II'' was, but bigger and better... the likelihood that we'll see some sort of secret level is pretty strong.
===Rainbow and Unicorn Level?===
[[File:Secret-level-unicorn1.jpg|thumb|400px|Rainbow attack unicorn "fan" art by [[Bashiok]].]]
First came the [[art controversy|D3 is too-colorful!!1]] controversy, then the [http://www.diii.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2019 D3 Team's reaction] in the form of some [http://www.diii.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1982 hilarious Blizzcon t-shirts], and then the deadly [http://www.diii.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2500 rainbow fart attack] unicorns, and other doctored screenshots. This whole swing of events has given plenty of Diablo III fans the idea that if there is a [[secret level]] in Diablo III, it will probably be something inspired by the "too colorful" issue, and that we might well be fighting against (or with) rainbow-crapping unicorns, or angry fluffy clouds, or cute smiling miniature suns.
This is entirely speculative and unconfirmed by anything official, but it's not out of the realm of possibilities. The Diablo II Secret Cow Level got its start in similar fashion; it was just an April Fool's joke for a screenshot, made in response to the persistent Diablo I secret cow level rumors, and there was so much fan reaction and enjoyment that the team went ahead and put it into the game. The [[D3 Team]] is under no compunction to include a joke secret level, but Blizzard designers have always shown a good sense of humor, and as famous and enjoyed as the D2 secret level was, they've go to be feeling some pressure to live up to that standard with Diablo III.
Only time, and possibly April Fools screenshots, will tell.
==The "Not the Cow" level==