From Diablo Wiki
It seems to be a mystery exactly HOW these Unburied come into existence. Where dumped bodies are held, they apparently start their existence, but is there a [[necromancer]] behind it, or is it some general perversion from [[Diablo]] that just permeates the soil to the point where bodies apparently merge into this monstrosity. This merge will also pull in any other inanimate object in the closest vicinity, such as rocks or pieces of wood. The Unburied is the result of it's surroundings, there is no single design, regardless of who or what is conjuring them. [http://www.diii.net/blog/comments/small-unburied-lore-update/]
The Unburied is formed by the fusion of soil, rock, human bodies and angry souls. The spikes that jut from its body are shards of stone ripped from the earth during the development of the creature.
In any case, besides being a bit tougher than other creatures, they do die after being pummelled enough.
==Diablo I Monster==