On February 26, 2009 Blizzard upload a special [[Bestiary]] page for the Unburied. This is what [[Abd al-Hazir]] Has has to say about they way this [[monster ]] is created::: "Being born out of pits of human misery, these beings feed on human suffering. Wherever bodies are dumped together unceremoniously, the unburied may rise". That make the Unburied another type of [[undead#Construct_Types|undead construct]]. It seems to be a mystery exactly HOW these Unburied come into existence. Where dumped bodies are held, they apparently start their existence, but is there a [[necromancer]] behind it, or is it some general perversion from [[Diablo]] that just permeates the soil to the point where bodies apparently merge into this monstrosity. In any case, besides being a bit tougher than other creatures, they do die after being pummelled enough.
==Diablo I Monster==