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Special Modifiers

33 bytes added, 17:50, 2 June 2014
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Special Modifiers were a group in Diablo 3 and Reaper of item Souls are [[modifierslegendary affixes]] in Diablo II that could . These are item properties found only spawn on Unique, Set, legendary (including set and Crafted crafted) items, . They are {{c_orange|displayed in orange text}} and not are all one-of-a-kind item bonuses found only on magical or rare items. These modifiers granted special bonuses that were different and unique, and were often very powerful in their scarcityitem.
Pre-release it wasn't clear if Diablo 3 would have "special modifiers" and what form they would take. There do not seem to be many (were hardly any?) such modifiers bonuses in Diablo III3 with its simplified and disappointing itemization, which has a more limited pool but with the release of item affixes, [[Diablo 3 version 2]] and is balanced to make top quality Raresthen [[Reaper of Souls]] in 2014, or even Blues, as good or better than Set Items the system was greatly improved and LegendariesenhancedFurther details to be added as more is learned about the Diablo III item system
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