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Hawthorne Gable

67 bytes added, 17:42, 2 June 2014
no edit summary
'''Hawthorne Gablet''' <!--({{wl|[ db]}})-->, ''"Vengeful Spirit"'' is a [[superunique]] [[ghost]] found in the [[Festering Woods]] of [[Act I]]. It is [[Arcane Enchanted]].
<!--<mob>Fecklar's Ghost</mob>-->
Hawthorne is the target of the [[Bounty]] [[Kill Hawthorne Gable]]. It can also drop the [[Shard of Entsteig Plate]] legendary material required for crafting the [[Aughild's Authority]] Set.
The following [[Boss modifiers]] have been observed on {{PAGENAME}}:
* [[Arcane Enchanted]]