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130 bytes removed, 17:33, 30 May 2014
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[[File:Kridershot-icon.JPG|left|thumb|125px]][[File:Kridershot-db.JPG|thumb|350px320px|Kridershot database.]]
The '''Kridershot''' is one of the most desired legendary weapons for Demon Hunters. It is a bow with stats comparable to other bows, but a very valuable [[legendary affix]] that turns the [[Elemental Arrow]] skill into a [[Hatred Generator]].
==Item Stats==
Like all sub-level 70 legendary items in Reaper The key stats of Soulsthis bow is that it always rolls with a socket, almost always rolls with +Dex for a Demon Hunter, and has the database stats amazing legendary affix. Since the socket and dexterity are meaningless since the item in-game will scale up inherent, players can often spend their [[enchant]] to increase the level damage, or roll one of the character that finds itother useful primary stats such as [[IAS]], +Elite damage, or +damage%.  See the level 70 screenshots below for a sense of how this item works in reality.
* Empty Socket
* {{c_orange|Elemental Arrow now generates 3–4 Hatred.}}
The key stats of this bow is that it always rolls with a socket, almost always rolls with +Dex for a Demon Hunter, and has the amazing legendary affix. Since the socket and dexterity are inherent, players can often spend their [[enchant]] on the damage, rolling and reroling until they up the DPS to a very large number.