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Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab

1 byte added, 03:32, 21 October 2013
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[[File:IconEventGeneric.jpg|left|frame|Lost Treasure of Khan Dakab.]]This event contains one of the most extensive map tiles out of any in the game. It has a very distinct appearance and isn't easy to miss. The entrance is not initially open, as two levers (east and west) need to be activated in order to have the dungeon appear. There will be many snakemen enemies outside, near the levers, with electric eels in a large pool at the southern end. It isn't uncommon to see two or more [[elite]] packs in this area, grouped tightly together, and also there are many spawn points for elites outside the perimeter of the tile as well. Once the two levers are triggered, the player may enter the tomb. Near one of the triggers will be a backpack containing a [[lore]] entry, [[The Chamber of Faces]].