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81 bytes added, 06:11, 19 March 2013
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Amethysts are one of the four types of [[gem]]s found in Diablo III.
These are the least popular type of gems during During the first months year of Diablo III3, Amethysts showed the most divergence in value between softcore and hardcore. They became the least valuable gem for Softcore characters, since they do adding Vitality, Life, or Life on Hit is not add damage a real priority for any class; just hit points via vitality or % lifeimmortal characters.
Amethysts are more valuable for [[In Hardcore]] characterson the other hand, who need to carry higher hit points for obvious reasons. They are Amethysts became the most popular and valuable in helmsgem, where 15% or more life since mortal characters need all the health they can be worth many thousands of hit points for a high level characterget.
| +58 Vitality
| Each Hit Adds +600 Life
| Marquise Amethyst
| +19% Life
| +62 Vitality
| Each Hit Adds +700 Life