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1 byte removed, 16:05, 17 December 2008
* Wizard '''[[Disintegrate]]''' is a line AoE damage that is not consumed when hitting monsters. All monsters in a line will get damaged by the spell.
* Wizard '''[[Meteor Storm]]''' can be seen as a large AoE damage spell in general, but in reality it's a barrage of smaller AoE damage effects. Each meteor has a small circular AoE damage, and multiple of them will cover a large area.
* Wizard '''[[Electrocute]]''' is not exactly a real AoE spell either, as it's a multiple target direct damage spell. The spell will hit a designated target, and then a few other randomly selected nearby targets, but not necessarily all targets. It's different than the [[Witch Doctor]] spell [[Flame Skull]] combined with multi-strike [[rune]], which work more similar to the [[Meteor StrikeStorm]] spell, as it has multiple small areas of effect.
[[Category:Game terms]]