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Heretic’s Abode

6 bytes added, 03:02, 18 February 2013
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[[File:Heretics abode door.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Doorway to Hell]]'''The Heretic's Abode ''' is a new area added in [[Patch 1.0.5]], as part of the [[Infernal Machine]] event. It is accessed through the doorway of a boarded up house in New Tristram and allows players access to the special boss battle areas that make up the Infernal Machine event.
The doorway is a house located just behind Brother Malachi the healer.
[[File:Heretics abode door.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Doorway to Hell]]
The interior of the shack is a large and gloomy single room without any monsters or any attractions other than the red portal that takes you to one of the Infernal Machine events.