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1,280 bytes added, 19:39, 10 February 2013
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'''DuellingBrawling''' is a form of consensual [[PvP]] combat. In a duel brawl each character consents to engage in head to head combat. Duels Brawls can be one on one or may take place in duelling games, which are [[FFA]] (free for all) battles with multiple characters engaged at once.
Dueling Brawling was introduced in [[Patch 1.0.7]] on the [[PTR|Patch Test Realm]] released in January 2013. During its testing, based on community feedback, it was changed from ''Duelling'' to ''Brawling'' to better reflect the nature of the fight.<ref>[ Name change from deulling to brawling] - Lylirra, Community Manager , 09/02/2013</ref>
__TOC__<blue>While the system we designed for 1.0.7 was developed in order to give players a fun way to beat each other up in Diablo III, we've come to realize that "dueling" wasn’t the best name for it. Sure, it allows players to pummel, stomp, immolate, and hex fellow Nephalem (over and over again, if they so choose), but it's not a traditional one-on-one duel. It’s something much more wild and open-ended, where you can engage in 3-person and even 4-person free-for-all skirmishes with few restrictions. The system is all about letting players fight for the sake of fighting—you don’t need to worry about objectives, rewards, or scoring, and that’s exactly what we love about it. But again, that’s not really dueling; it’s brawling!<br>There's a lot of power in a name, and we think that the idea of a brawl more accurately describes the system we created.</blue>  ==Duelling Brawling is not PK==Dueling  Brawling is not the same thing as [[Player Killing]], since PKing is about sneak attacks and non-consensual [[PvP]].
==Duelling Brawling Rules==
Regular [[PvP]] players generally adhere to a list of (informal, largely unwritten) rules. These are generally lists of banned practices, or buggy items that must not be used since they convey an unfair or unbeatable advantage. What is on and off this ever-changing list is not known to outsiders. It's therefore a good idea to read some duelling forums or talk to other players before a fight, to be sure of the ground rules.
Generally speaking, drinking [[potion]]s or using [[shrine]]s is not allowed. Originally people used a lot of absorption and damage reduction gear, but that is now often limited.
Most serious duellers duellists in ''[[Diablo II]]'' kept several sets of spare equipment in their stash, and could change into different outfits depending on the [[class]] and [[build]] of the character they were duelling.
==References==<font size="-3"><references/>