From Diablo Wiki
* ''Were you looking for the #REDIRECT [[World map]] of Sanctuary? The overlay map appears in the upper right corner of the screen, in Diablo III. It's a full color, fairly large-scale representation of the level around the character, with colorful icons for points of interest. The maps seen in the 2008 and 2009 BlizzCon demo were similar in form, but were much less pretty, without colorful representations of the objects of interest. Clearly some improvements have been made. However, it's equally clear that it's still being worked on. The most recent view of the map came in a screenshot from August 2010, and it can be seen below. This map of the [[Caravan]] area of [[New Tristram]] is pretty, but is clearly a [[WiP]] with only the stash, the waypoint, and a ! showing the quest dialogue waiting at [[Deckard Cain]]. The [[NPCs]] aren't shown, nor is the [[blacksmith]]'s wagon, where the player is standing at the time of the screenshot. We do not know what other elements will be seen on the final version of the map, if the scale can be zoomed in or out of (to show more of the level at once) or if there will be an option to have a larger, less colorful/detailed version show over the center of the screen, as was possible in Diablo II. [[File:Map-new-tristram.jpg|center|frame|Overhead map of New Tristram. August 2010.]] [[categoryCategory:Diablo 3 maps]]
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