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[[Image:Mephisto2.jpg|right|thumb|Mephisto.]]'''Bashiok:'' When you started working on Diablo II what were your first tasks?
'''Anthony:''' Yeah, let me see let me look at my notes. The first thing I worked on I remember asking my boss, “Hey what can I do?”, after being there a few days getting situated, and that was Erich Schaefer at the time. He and Stieg [Hedlund] said they needed some type of flying insect monster for Act 3, so I came up with the mosquito demon. What’s now called the mosquito demon, and that was the very first thing I worked on. It was kind of for a swampy area so I figured that was appropriate, a mosquitoish-type monster, and yeah that was the very first thing I worked on.
[[Image:witchdoctor.jpg|right|thumb|Doc's Light & Medium Armour.]]'''Bashiok:'' Are there any creatures that are announced that we can talk about that you’ve provided some modeling for or have contributed to?
'''Anthony:''' The female witch doctor’s heavy armor set, her look is my design and work.
[[Image:Malformed2.jpg|right|thumb|Malformed.]]'''Bashiok:'' Yeah we should have some concepts. If you’re listening to this on iTunes go ahead and check out the actual BlizzCast website for that artwork.
I think that about wraps it up. I want to thank Anthony Rivero for talking to us.
[[Image:Wrath of the Lich King.jpg|right|thumb|Wrath of the Lich King.]]'''Bashiok:'' Is there any particular storyline from the original game that you are excited to be picking up again in Wrath of the Lich King?
'''Alex Afrasiabi:'' Several. It’s been a nice expansion, it was a good break from Outland where things got a little… different I guess is the best term for it. Anything that involves Arthas, Lich King, we’re all over, we love that stuff. Expanding Tirion Fordring’s line and roll rather in the expansion is huge for us. A personal favorite of mine if the Forsaken’s involvement in the early zones with their plague, their blight, that’s something we’ve been forming for years with the old world and we obviously paused it for Outland and we’re coming back. I think we’re just releasing some new stuff in this next build that will kind of bring all that to a head that I’m pretty excited about.
[[Image:Sc14.jpg|right|thumb|Starcraft II.]]'''Bashiok:'' Cool. The next question comes from gamer-source.com. With the all the anti-armored units like the marauder and the hydralisk - is this meant to counter the end game units? And also what role do you think end game units will play on the battlefield?
'''Dustin Browder:''' : I’m not really sure what an end game unit is, I guess it would be like a battlecruiser or a carrier or a thor or ultralisk, I guess it’s what we’re talking about here. But the hydralisk has always been anti-armor, even in the original Starcraft had a strong anti-armor role.