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Magic find

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Weapons with Magic or Gold Find
No Magical or Rare weapons can gain Magic Find. (Wirt's Original Leg is an odd partial exception.) A number of Set and Legendary items do have Magic and/or Gold Find though, and they are all listed below, by ascending Item Level. Most can be equipped on a [[Follower]], for the standard 1/5th shared MF/GF bonus.
** [ db] [[The Executioner]] legendary ilvl 19 two-handed axe has 11-15% Magic Find. Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Enchantress only.** [ db] [[Wirt's Original Leg]] (ilvl 22) has 6-10% Magic Find and 5-10% Gold Find.** [ db] [[The Broken Staff]] legendary ilvl 48 two-handed staff has 16-20% Magic Find. Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Enchantress only.** [ db] [[Blade of Prophecy]], two-handed ilvl 56 Legendary sword grants 31-35% bonus to Magic Find and Gold Find. Barbarian, Wizard, Witch Doctor, Monk, and Enchantress only.** [ db] [[The Gidbinn]], ilvl 61 legendary Ceremonial Knife, has 31-35% Magic Find. Witch Doctor only.** [ db] [[The Grand Vizier]] two-handed ilvl 63 Legendary staff provides 41-45% Magic Find and 41-50% Gold Find. Wizard, Witch Doctor, Monk, and Enchantress only.** [ db] [[Sun Keeper]] legendary ilvl 63 mace has 41-45% Magic Find. This can be equipped by all five classes, as well as by the [[Templar]] or the [[Enchantress]].
* [ db] [[Won Khim Lau]] (Legacy) ilvl 61 Legendary Fist had 11-15% Magic Find. Monk only.
* [ db] [[The Three Hundredth Spear]], (Legacy) version, had 21-25% Magic Find.
=Legendary Armor with Magic or Gold Find=