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Drury Brown

174 bytes added, 21:46, 18 November 2012
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Take the quest 3. [[Shattered Crown]] > Northwest Gate. Take that gate from Tristram, run up through [[The Weeping Hollow]] and into the [[Cemetery of the Forsaken]].
Locate the crypt with the 2 levels. Make your way down to the [[Chancellor's Tomb]] where you'll get a [[Checkpoint]] just as you enter it. This will allow you to farm the crypts by leaving the game, selecting '''Resume''' and re-appearing at this spot. Go back up to the first level of the crypt. The level is never that big so it doesn't take too long.
Whilst hunting for Drury you may run across [[John Gorham Coffin]] and it's exactly the same deal as with Drury, he is located on level 1 of the '''2 level crypt only'''.