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1,871 bytes added, 17:45, 21 November 2008
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Add things here if you have suggestions or questions about Diablo Universe [[Magic]]. --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 14:38, 21 November 2008 (CET)
* '''Holy magic''' - Magic channelled from the [[High Heavens]]. A person must be granted this ability. Used mainly to battle the [[Undead]] and other [[demonic]] forces. Elemental magic can sometimes be channelled through the Holy force.
** holy incantations
** Auras
** Can use some elemental effects through it
** essence of life
Being attuned to nature is completely different from other sources of magic.
Through Talking to animals, plants and the weather (spirits of nature). command fire, earth, and the winds. empathy. language of the Natural spirits. spirit animals, sentient vines, and minor spirits of Nature
The true essence of Fire lies at the edge of Energy and Matter.
Magical fire feeds upon no earthly source, being fueled instead by the mystic energies known as Mana. While the heat of conjured flames may cause normal matter to combust and burn on its own, the flames themselves will burn as long they have Mana to draw upon. By carefully controlling the flow of Mana to a magical fire, its life-span can be extended well beyond that of a Firebolt or an Inferno.
The true essence of Electromagnetism exists on the threshold of the Ethereal and the Physical Realms. While it is very efficient to transform Mana into electrical energy, it is extremely difficult to control.
sometimes you can find that electrical spells can have a will of their own
The caster is able to shield himself from the effects of these charges, but any creature - friend or foe - may be struck.
invoking the powers of the High Heavens and then infusing them with the essence of Fire - HOLY BOLT
When cast, Mana courses through the body, instantly knitting broken bone, replacing torn tissue and reducing the effects of shock and fatigue. With time, this spell can be developed to the point that it can instantly restore even those on the brink of death.