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Zoltun Kulle

1,487 bytes added, 20:32, 13 June 2012
added abilities and images
'''Zoltun Kulle''' was one of the original, founding members of the [[Horadrim]] who took a precipitous turn towards evil. A mage of immense power, at one time he was the most dangerous man in the world of Sanctuary. To confront this threat, the forces of Sanctuary teamed together and worked in vain to destroy Zolton Kulle, as he had already discovered the secret to immortality. As a working solution to this, his head was severed and buried in the desert while his body was imprisoned in an alternate dimension.<ref>Blizzcon 2011 - Diablo III Lore Panel. Comments by Kevin Martens.</ref>
[[File:ArchivesOfZK1-BC2011.jpg|center|thumb|600px|The Archives of Zoltun Kulle, lair of the twisted Horadric mage.]]
==Boss Abilities==
The boss encounter with Zoltun Kulle is a bit different from others as he begins the fight with two very large [[Sand Golem]]s accompanying him.
The sand golems have no real special abilities other than hitting hard, and occasionally performing a [[knockback]] attack.
Kulles abilities are listed below:
* '''Fiery Boulder''' - Kulle will launch a fiery boulder at the player which explodes for [[AoE]] damage, leaving behind a [[desecrator]]-like lava pool.
* '''Time Bubble''' - Similar to [[Slow Time]], Kulle will erect a bubble right on top of a player that slows their movement and attack speed.
* '''Ceiling Collapse''' - Kulle will laugh, and then strike his staff against the ground. The screen will shake, and loose rock from the ceiling will fall in a small area, dealing low damage.
* '''Energy Twister''' - Similar to the [[Wizard]]'s [[Energy Twister]], he will launch a whirling cone at the player which deals moderate damage, and normally this is cast when the time bubble is up.
* '''Vanish''' - Kulle will vanish from sight in a puff of dust to re-appear somewhere else in the arena.
* '''Creepy Laugh''' - Kulle will laugh, creeping out the player.
File:Zk_guardian.jpg|A Guardian accompanying Kulle.
File:Zk_collapse.jpg|Ceiling collapse.
File:Zk_fieryboulder.jpg|Fiery boulder.
File:Zk_timebubble.jpg|Time Bubble.
File:Zk_twister.jpg|Energy Twister.
File:Zoltunkulle.jpg|Kulle in-game.
File:ArchivesOfZK1-BC2011.jpg |Archives of Zoltun Kulle, concept 1.
File:ArchivesOfZK2-BC2011.jpg |Archives of Zoltun Kulle, concept 2.