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61 bytes added, 11:35, 6 February 2012
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==Multiplayer Difficulty==
[[File:Party-left-the-game1.jpg|leftframe|Fewer players, weaker monsters.]]
Monster hit points adjust automatically when additional players join or leave the game. As of the beta test, each additional player in the game increases monster hit points by 75%. Thus:
[[File:Meteor-arena2.jpg|thumb|300px|Red vs. Blue battle.]]
Diablo III's Player vs. Player combat system has been entirely overhauled as well. Gone is any sort of in-game PvP, whether dueling or PKing. Players now have no way to directly attack each other in-game, and this even extends to sprite collision. Other players can not block doorways or chokepoints themselves or with their [[pets]], and none of their spells or skills can hit you for any damaging or debuffing effects.