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37 bytes added, 04:07, 19 January 2012
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<u>'''RankSkill ranks were removed from the game''' was the term used in Diablo III </u> during development. This article remains purely for a spell or skill's level, as of Blizzcon, in November 2008. It may or may not be the term used in the final gamehistorical reference.
This term should (hopefully) reduce some of the confusion caused by the word "level" being used for so many things. Player levels, spell levels, "levels" = areas of the dungeon, etc.
  '''Rank''' was the term used in Diablo III for a spell or skill's level, as of Blizzcon, in November 2008. The term was clearly meant to provide some respite from the habit of using "levels" to refer to so many different things in the game.   ==ExampleRank Terminology==
The [[Storm_Skill_Tree#Thunderstruck|Wizard skill Thunderstruck]] is listed as follows: