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1,311 bytes added, 15:29, 11 January 2012
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Diablo III is being patterned after Diablo I, more than Diablo II. As such it's a horror-themed, gory, gruesome, frightening game. It's going to be creepy to play, at times, and the D3 Team hopes to make it a memorable, moody experience, with a pervasive sense of doom permeating the plot and dungeons. How well they succeed at that remains to be seen, but early reports are promising, for fans who want a darker, more gruesome theme to the game than Diablo 2 managed.
How well ==Less Blood Options?== Early in development, Jay Wilson said they succeed at were planning options to turn down the gore and blood, and that remains the game would likely be censored for violence in some markets (such as Germany and China) that traditionally allow less violence in games. The edits appear to be seennot have been needed. Diablo III was approved without edits by the ratings boards in almost every region, but early reports are promisingand if there were any edits or gore removals required to gain rating approval, (without being tagged with an Adult level of rating that would have lessened the game's potential sales) Blizzard has not shared any details about it. As of December 2011 there were no plans to include any sort of "less gore" player control option. []  <blue>Bashiok: We don’t currently have any plans to provide reduced gore options. The game is rated M for fans who want Mature, which is a darker17+ rating, more gruesome theme and we encourage parents to remain aware of game ratings, the content in the game than that led to that rating, and keep them in mind when choosing which games are appropriate for their family. </blue> This came as something of a surprise to many players, as many changes as the developers have included in Diablo 2 managedIII in order to make the game more [[accessible]] to the masses.