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Wizard skills

2 bytes added, 11:05, 20 December 2011
Changed the layer of Signature and Armor Spells in the summary.
* [[Skill]]s - General skill design and mechanics.
** [[Active skill]]s - Skills where effects are activated by the player.
*** [[Signature skill]]s - Skills that define characters. They steadily decrease in [[Arcane Power]] cost as the Wizard levels. Previously they were called [[Academic spell]]s.
*** [[Armor spell]]s - Provide defensive [[buffs]] to the Wizard.
** [[Passive skill]]s - Skills where effects are activated automatically, by the computer or by special events.
** [[Signature skill]]s - Skills that define characters. They steadily decrease in [[Arcane Power]] cost as the Wizard levels. Previously they were called [[Academic spell]]s.
** [[Armor spell]]s - Provide defensive [[buffs]] to the Wizard.
* [[Arcane Power]] - The Wizard's energy [[resource]].
* [[Runestones]] - The huge skill customization and improvement system.