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28 bytes added, 16:28, 28 October 2008
The Amazons are women warriors who hail from a group of islands in the [[Twin Seas]]called the [[Skovos]] isles, near the border of the [[Great Ocean]]. Only the permanently snow-covered peak of [[Mount Karcheus]] breaks the expanses of lush forests on the islands.
The Amazons are a relatively isolated culture. Adapting over the centuries to their tropical milleu, they have built magnificent cities in the forest canopy. These cities are an architectural phenomenon and a source of great pride to the Amazons. They do not follow the teachings of the [[Zakarum]], but instead practice a polytheistic religion that adheres to the strict principles of [[Order]]. Their oracles long ago predicted the [[Dark Exile]], and they have been preparing to combat it ever since. Amazons regard the destruction of the Three [[Prime Evil]]s as their destiny, ushering in a new era when mortal men and women, no longer merely playthings for the beings of the [[Outer Realms]], can at long last take their rightful place in the universe.