From Diablo Wiki
The history of Goatmen ([[Khazra]]) is detailed in the [[httpWritings of Abd al-Hazir://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/world/bestiary/khazraEntry no.xml in an entry in the official bestiary0008]], from which the following excerpt is taken.
:''The khazra (colloquially known as "goatmen") were long thought to be natural inhabitants of our world, akin to the lacuni "panther-men" tribes of the desert and mountain regions, but I have recently discovered evidence revealing that nothing could be further from the truth. The history of the khazra is much more complex and disturbing than has been previously imagined.''
:''Though they were primitive by the standards of the Vizjerei, the umbaru clans held the powerful mages at bay through familiarity with the terrain and sheer ferocity. But this state of affairs could not hold forever. As decades of savage warfare took their toll on the umbaru's culture and minds, the clans began to search for any means to prevail over their enemies. In fact, they lost sight of anything else.''