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Fanmade:Demon Brooder

206 bytes added, 20:09, 4 November 2011
''This is written by Fraul son of Kinthos, Raised up by Before terror struck the land cultivists preparing for began perparing the assault on the Sanctuary we demon lords' arrival however a certain group of these cultivists saw the true horror of what could happen should these demons win so they fled form the demon lords and prepared for there coming in a different light by mastering the demonic arts taught to them by Belial and Azmodon's minons. '' ''If it starts to become pages and pagesThough not welcome by humaninty,heaven, you might want nor hell they continue to shorten it and make a new lore article, something like [[Wizard (lore)]]fight for the future of the Sanctuary. ''   
The Demon Brooder is a demonic/curse type character whose weapon focuses are demonic transformation, summoning of little imps and fiends loyal only to the demon brooder, and can use demonic curses on his body to temporarlily improve his strength at a cost when the duration ends.