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45 bytes removed, 07:29, 14 October 2008
====[[Wretched Dead]]====
[[Image:Mon-walking-corpse-f2.jpg|left|50px]][[Image:Mon-zombie-unknown.jpg|left|50px]]These [[zombie]]s come in male and female varieties, and appear to be exclusively female; at least a slight upgrade from the only ones seen with hover tags are femalegeneric, brains-loving shamblers. The zombie on the right may be a male versionThey look somewhat gothic, or another zombie subtype that's not yet been seen with a hover name. If they differ from the other zombies females in any way other than their long hair and ripped dressesgowns, itthe males like they's not yet knownve just spent their allowance at [http://www.hottopic.<div style="clear:both;"><com/hottopic/div>index.jsp Hot Topic].
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