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Ground Stomp

51 bytes removed, 22:44, 19 September 2011
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'''Ground Stomp''' is a Fury Generating [[Barbarian skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|level]] 8, which [[stun]]s enemies around the Barbarian for a limited period of time.
[[Image:Barb-stomp1.jpg|thumb|200px|right|These boots are heavier than they look...]]
{{Active skills header}}
</noinclude>{{Barbarian Skill Ground Stomp}}
{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Trembling Stomp}}
{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Wrenching Smash}}
{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Foot of the Mountain}}
{{Barbarian_Skillrune_Deafening Crash}}
{{center|Note: Information is based on a level 60 character and rank 7 runestones.}}
This skill has an impressive and very powerful graphic. The earth trembles when the Barbarian stomps, and glowing yellow lines radiate out from the impact point, like pavement cracking under the weight of a dropped safe.
The name and mechanic of this skill is possibly directly inspired by the Tauren Chieftain hero in WarCraft 3. The Tauren racial in World of WarCraft called "War Stomp" is also very similar.
{{Skill navbox Diablo III|Barbarian}}
[[category:Barbarian skills]]
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