From Diablo Wiki
,page redesign/added synergies
'''Ruthless''' is a [[Barbarian passive]] skill unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 12, which increases the chance and damage of critical hits.
''Hide this section unless there is some background information.''
{{C_slate|Each clan paints their warriors in their own unique way. Some celebrate the mountain, others honor the fire, but the Targos clan worships the purifying virtue of pain.}}
{{Barbarian Passive Ruthless}} ===Skill Synergies=Description==The following [[Critical hitBarbarian skill]] chance increased s depend on critical hits and are improved by Ruthless:{{c_lime|5%Active skills header}}. [[Critical hit]] damage increased by {{c_lime|50%Barbarian Skill Overpower}}.
===LoreRune Effect Synergies===Each clan paints their warriors in their own unique way. Some celebrate the mountainIn addition, others honor the fire, but following [[Barbarian skill]]s have rune effects that depend on critical hits and will also benefit from Ruthless:{{Active skills header}}{{Barbarian Skill Battle Rage}}{{Barbarian Skillrune Ferocity}}{{Barbarian Skillrune Swords to Ploughshares}}{{Barbarian Skillrune Into the Targos clan worships the purifying virtue of pain.Fray}}{{Barbarian Skillrune Bloodshed}}
{{Barbarian Skill Furious Charge}}
{{Barbarian Skillrune Bull Rush}}
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