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Ancient Spear

14 bytes removed, 13:10, 16 September 2011
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'''Ancient Spear''' made its first public appearance at [[BlizzCon 2010]], where [[Wyatt Cheng]] briefly discussed its development:<ref>[ Diablo 3 Gameplay Panel Transcript] -- Incgamers 23rd Oct 2010</ref>
<blockquoteblue>''We knew that he needed a ranged attack so here is an example of Ancient Spear. We don't want to turn the Barbarian into a ranged class so this is something that feels very appropriate for him. We want to sell the theme that he's strong, he's tough, he's melee so we had to come up with something that felt appropriate for that.</blockquoteblue>
[[Flux]] found it difficult to use in the [[Battle Arena]]:[]