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Storm Armor

40 bytes added, 19:54, 8 September 2011
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[[File:StormArmorIconStormArmor.jpgpng|left]]'''Storm Armor''' is a [[Wizard skill]] enabled unlocked at [[clvl|levelLevel]] 13, hurting anyone attacking the Wizard.
<br>This is an [[Armor spell]]. Only one Armor spell can be active at a time. <br><br>__TOC__
|user= Wizard
|clvl= 13
|description= Surround Bathe yourself in electrical energy. Electric bolts are automatically fired at , shocking ranged and melee attackers for X to Y {{c_lime|1 - 17}} Lightning damage. Armor spells affect you and all nearby allies and you can only be affected by one armor spell at a timeLasts {{c_lime|120}} seconds.<br>Cost: {{c_lime|25}} Arcane Power
|type= [[Buff]]/[[Damage]]
|resource= Costs [[Arcane Power]]