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Fan of Knives

5 bytes removed, 20:38, 10 August 2011
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<blockquote>''The real limiting factor of this one is the very short range of the knives. They did good damage, but the range was barely beyond melee reach (not that the DH was using melee weapons), and it was fairly mana-expensive. As a result, this one was only worth using when you had at least two or three enemies at very close range. The perfect situation for it was a circle of Vessels, and I enjoyed killing all 6 or 8 Vessels in such scenarios several times with this skill. It took 2 or 3 FoKs to finish them all, but this was the fastest and most effective skill against those clusters of enemies in the entire demo.</blockquote>
Skill tiers were removed for the [[July 2011 Press Event]], and Fan of Knives became a level 4 skill. 
===In Other Games===
{{Slave Skill navbox Diablo III|Demon_HunterDH}}